
Elle Tassy

i would like to say thank you, your blog and instagrams are whats getting me through my HSC. Knowing that I'll be exploring the world soon after HSC is all im looking forward too

That's means a lot! Thankyou for following us, hope this year you will have a great time exploring life post-hsc! - L x

Latest answers from Elle Tassy

how much luggage did you bring on your usa trip?

One carry on bag each and one 24kg check in luggage. By the time we were heading to Sydney though, that "one" carry on bag pretty much weighed the same as our check in (luckily no one weighed it or else we would have for sure had to pay extra!) - L

Hello girls! Would you recommend a current year 12 student to go find a job right before term 1 2014 starts? i plan to go travelling post-hsc but i know i'll be short on money. Love your work, keep it up!!! xx

If you're good at discipline and managing your time so that everything is done and no school work is left behind, then go for it! To be honest, I think I could've used all my procrastination time towards a job. It's all about management! - L x

Is it possible to share your USA itinerary w us (-:

month of June: LA & San Francisco and month of July: New York City - L

Lucia what camera lens do you own? And which one do you use most for shooting?

50mm 1.2L and 24-70mm 2.8L and I've mostly used the latter more recently (for travelling and shoots) but they are both incredible lenses :) - L x

when you went to the states, did you eat out everyday or did you grocery shopping too?

We ate out aloooot and do not regret one bit of it because USA has some seriously amazing cafés/restaurants that definitely would have been so much better than our own home-cooked meals. We did however stock up on items (Gelson's in Cali, Trader Joe's, Walmart etc.) such as drinks and snacks for the rare moments that we were in our house. - L x

why did you decide to go with a tumblr blog rather than a blogspot blog? which do you think is better?

I've just stuck with Tumblr ever since I started a blog in 2009. I have tried blogspot but I think I just like there is more of a community (on your dashboard, with interactions etc) with Tumblr and I've had great opportunities through the site so it's definitely been my favorite blogging platform! - L x

Lucia, are the tips of your hair dyed brown? I can't see it very well in photos, but I like it a lot!

Yes, they are! I just use the lightest blonde shade of hair dye to do the ends :) - L x

Language: English