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Ask @elyshawestcott

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Yeah I got home and burst into tears :(

Awww! People like that are sad low lives who have got nothing better to do than bring other people down to make themselves feel better xx

Yeah idk maybe what school do you go to? Oh I don't mean that kind of ' followed home'! I mean I got following home by three girls that were calling me abusive names and threatening me xx

I will go to ask you a question of what school but don't reply some creeps might hunt me down haha, hbu? Oh right I've had that before it horrible xx

West Howe, I don't really go to town? I went to Poole today? I don't really go out much I got followed home before so I don't like going out :/

Yeah I know where that is, unless one of my friends liked your pp or sometime on Facebook and it came up to my news feed? Oh yeah that would freak me out :/

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I'm from Bournemouth tooo omg Opinion on me?

Aw cool where abouts? I know this sounds so weird but I actually recognise you I might have seen you in town or something. You're really pretty :)) x

neither of us have aids we've only fucked each other, ooohh

you can't just get aids my sex they can be by skin contact ooooo, you got owned!

you wish you got aids off me babe, you'll never fuck me keep dreaming

Nah I'm good thanks, poor Amelia I feel sorry for her!

I'm never gona shut up about it. ;P

I know you won't ahaha. The scariest thing is I've had 3 sex offers in the past 2 days all by boys older than me :O


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