
emily klein

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top 5 fittest boys in yr 7 & 8?

Urmmm ..
7- Archie.b Archie.o Ben.o don't know the rest names soz
8- joe Michael Alfie billy Toby .. Idk

Opinions on dan greenfield ;)

Who the fuck is he ;)
Hi dan matee
Your one of my best mates , our Skype calls , " dan do you want a custard cream " "yeah" haha your so funny you always cheery me up , our hugs , I tell you absolutely everything ! Can trust you , good looking , your really lovely and sweet I could write forever , love you !!

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Opinions Ellie c , wallis f , Lucy h, Ella b , lily n

Ellie - hahaha
Wallis scroll down
Ella scroll down
Lily n - really pretty , so funny , so nice , not close tho
Lucy - omfg she's so loud and funny , so so stunning , really nice and lovely , quiet close , makes me laugh ahah xx

Opinions on Archie bucher?

Hi Archie
And ahah love that kid, funny , hot , nice, close , sponsored walk with him was so funny, text alot
Fave year 7 ;)

Opinions on Harry Lloyd?

Hi Harry ;)
I could write so much but I don't have the Efortt but ill try
Basically . He's like a brother to me my best friend , known him for so long? I can tell him absolutely anything and I know he would keep it secret , he's so funny and always cheers me up, tech is such a laugh , OUTCH CHARLIE , primary school when I debagged him and he has bright orange boxers hahahahah, I could write more but love him xx

Opinons on jade dw, Sophie t, izzy g, Grace t?

Jade dw scroll down done her twice
Grace scroll down .
Sophie- my slut , so beautiful , close, lots of memories, can trust her with anything, really nice, her hair, nice figure, I leave lovely selfies for her to drool over ;) , Michaels party , more but Cba to write , love her tho
Izzy- use to go to the Weald , omg so pretty! , really sweet, would have loved to get closer tho , xx
Liked by: Sophie

If you could go out with any person in the weal who is in the same year as you, who would it be?? (you have to answer)

Oh god I actually don't know

fuck, marry, snog Ben Rolfe Josh World Billy Worsfold

Ooh this ones a toughy I feel bad cos bens not single but anyway ,
Fuck- billy
Marry- Joshy

Ops on grace.t tash.s ella.l michael.a jake.s elena.c

Grace- known her since toddlers , love her so much, gorgeous , funny as , so sweet , tell her absolutely everything and I can't trust her soso so much! Sleepovers at hers are a laugh, form with the gays , our after school with jade ahahah, the fact she's so insecure bless, ect I love her loads and loads
Tash- I could write forever but she's my sister .
Ella- soso stunning :(, funny sweet, friends with grace, would love to get closer
Michael - so hot , really close , tell him anything , his party was so good, he's such a laugh and he's always smiling, maths , love him!!
Jake - my Pom Pom , good looking , his hair when it gets wet hahahaha , he's soso funny omg , got closer recently :), orienteering was so funny , his poses , really nice , and can trust him xxx
Liked by: Wallis

Opinions on George James bent;) Ben r toby Callum mark Aaron Cameron

George - my only Chinese friend, really close , funny , loads of bant, 8c , ect
James- LAAAD
Ben Rolfe - like a brother , trust him , funny close , love him x x
Callum - one word panda
Mark - alright
Aaron- so funny , 8c, quiet smart , quiet close , nice
Cameron- alright
Toby- my badger , best mate , so so funny , hot, trust him loads, 8c, art is so funny, our ibex detentions, his obsession with my arm hmm , so many memories love him lots ! Xx

Opinions wallis, Ella, jade dw

Wallis- one of my best friends, really pretty, funny, morning with her and Matt, so many memories, can trust her , so much in common , her and ollie aww
Ella(bargman)- best mate, really pretty, so funny, that time in Horsham, so close , loads in common, laugh at the same stuff , really nice , when she's angry omfg hahaha , skatepark times, trust her loads, tell her absolutely everything !
Jade- we have the same laugh :) , really pretty , so funny omg, we are Swagots together ;), really nice, can trust her , one of my best friends , laugh at the same stuff, science is funny , Spanish with the puta ect
Love all of them Lots
Liked by: Wallis


Language: English