
Emilyyyy ox

Ask @emzie123bayumm

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What celebrity irritates you the most?

RYLAN.. Although, I wouldn't really class him as a celebrity.. I look more on the side of an annoying, weird drip.

Oh you need to grow up about the kyer thing emily really move the fuck on we all make mistakes forgive and forget okay ive done it and my friendship is closer with these people so grow up :)

Well, why don't you grow the fuck up writing shit on anon because you're too fucking pussy to face me! This is obviously someone like Josh Asensi as you act as if you know everything.. How about fuck off and get your own problems as you're a fucking drip. Hahahahahahahahahaha

so funny,you think your good at everythin,lol,next jk

Yee, so funny, almost as funny as yourself being a pussy on anon.. #wasteman

What do you think about louise bandorski?

I tink she is a buttaskett xoxoxoxxooox
Lol jk, she's my bestfriend and I wouldn't change her for the world.. YES, I HOPE YOU'RE SEEING THIS LOUISE!


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