
Jack Jefferson

Will you marry me?

Well, see, it depends.
I'm not one to judge about homosexuality. And based on recent statistics, you are most likely (P > 0.95) of the male gender. In which case, I will have to decline. This is not based solely on the general social disapproval that I will receive upon accepting this request for marriage. No, this is because of the actual sexual orientation that I am in.
Also based on the statistics, the majority of those who make contact with me are the same age as me. Therefore, I could assume that you understand that I will not illegally marry someone. This is considering the fact that if you are not a boy, you most likely (P > 0.95) are the same age as me, even though the set of girls I know that are the same age as me eclipses the set of girls I know that are not the same age as me. This is not considering the fact that the closer people are to me, the more likely they will post to this ask. I'm sorry about that, because that affects the general age of people who are asking me, because the girls I am closest to (e.g. my mom) are older than me.
Thank you for taking your time to ask this question.
Good-bye Ford.
Liked by: Deniz Eryilmaz Ford
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Latest answers from Jack Jefferson

No, Really I want you honest opinion what do you think?

No. I have not heard accounts from either sides of the argument, so anything I say would appear ignorant. You could ask me to research it, but honestly I don't want to.

Whose the ugliest person u know

Dear asker: take your name, and map every letter from n to 26-n with modular residue mod 26. (note that a=1, b=2, etc) Then, map every letter from n to n+10 mod 26. Map from n to 4n. Map n to n+12. Then, map n to n*(-4)^(-1) (yes, you have to calculate inverses, don't be lazy). The resulting name, given you did the steps correctly, is the name of the ugliest person I know.

Whose the hottest girl you know?

The one with hair... or does she not have hair? Okay, she has feet.... probably. Sorry, can't really describe her... or him, I dunno :/

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