
Jack Jefferson

You need hadeed!!!!

Yes, I do need it. I am physically addicted to it.
Every day, I go to the nearest truck shop, and say "phapoos" to the dealer. He then winks his right eye two times and his left eye once, and gives me a tire. On the way home, someone walks up to me and says that I need some milk. With the tire (VERY IMPORTANT), I go up to the nearest grocery store, put the tire to the left of the front door, and walk in. When I buy the milk, I walk home (skipping on two blocks on the way back), and when I pour out the milk, it's not milk but Hadeed.
Thank you for making me realize this addiction. It has made me sallow and I shall stop at once.
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Latest answers from Jack Jefferson

No, Really I want you honest opinion what do you think?

No. I have not heard accounts from either sides of the argument, so anything I say would appear ignorant. You could ask me to research it, but honestly I don't want to.

Whose the ugliest person u know

Dear asker: take your name, and map every letter from n to 26-n with modular residue mod 26. (note that a=1, b=2, etc) Then, map every letter from n to n+10 mod 26. Map from n to 4n. Map n to n+12. Then, map n to n*(-4)^(-1) (yes, you have to calculate inverses, don't be lazy). The resulting name, given you did the steps correctly, is the name of the ugliest person I know.

Whose the hottest girl you know?

The one with hair... or does she not have hair? Okay, she has feet.... probably. Sorry, can't really describe her... or him, I dunno :/

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