
erin muir

Ask @erinMeatsix

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you're cousin having a disability makes me sick, she ugly eh eh.

This girl is anything but ugly. She's beautiful. She may be disabled, but do you see her being unhappy? Nah, neither do I. You on the other hand, are a sick, sick person. I don't know if you're the same person before or it's someone different but you have a very fucked up head making fun of people with a disability, even a ten year old girl. Well, in my view. My cousin having a disability makes me feel proud. Proud to have someone unique in my family. There won't be anyone else the exact same as Emma, and that's what I love about her. She is my everything, and that's till the day I die. She's gorgeous, perfect and my strong little girl. See when I'm with her, she makes me happy. More than anyone could ever make me feel. She makes me laugh, we toy fight and paint picture's for our gran together. Every summer we go on a big holiday and I take her dancing and we play games till she finally wants to cuddle in bed with a hot water bottle and watch peppa pig. Yeah, she's 10 but she has a brain of a younger child. Taking her out for halloween when she's dressed up as a little cat in a suit and looking cute as anything. Then juming out at her and making her jump and giggle non stop. Her teaching me her sign language and going to school and bringing back drawing and cards she's made for me. She's pretty much my own child, or sister you could say rather than a cousin. You don't know her, and maybe you're saying this because you dislike me and want to make me feel like shit. Well yeah, well done you. I could never think of anything that would make me so upset and pissed off than this. Making fun of my cousin and laughing because she's disabled hurts me because I can't understand why someone would want to be so horrible and crule. You make me sick. Don't judge her until you've met her. She's my beautiful girl and always will be. So, fuck you.

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your cousins disabled, hahahahaha

Whoever you are, you sicken me. She's 10 fucking years old! I can tell you one thing, if you weren't such a pussy you should have came off anon, but no. Immature, pathetic, sick little mutants like you think it's all hard to post anon cause you're obviously can't say it naming yourself. My cousin may be disabled, but she's my princess. Shes beautiful and perfect in my eyes. Maybe she can't walk, or speak very much but she tries her hardest every single day. She pushes through all the stress and get's through each and every day just as much, getting more and more better every minute. You obviously don't know what it's like to have anyone in your family to suffer from a disability. It's nothing to laugh about, but I can tell you that I take this seriously. You don't know my cousin like I do, she's to die for, and hilarious. She didn't ask to be how she is and will be accepted by all people with hearts just as she is. Sure, she may be different but she's still my little cousin, I love her to bits and she's everything to me. She's happy, makes me and my family smile, she's gorgeous and amazing just the way she is. Everyone's intital to there own opinion, so here's mine. Every person with a disability are beautiful just like others. Just because they have something different about them doesn't mean they shouldn't be treated any less respectful than 'normal' children/teenagers/adults, whatever. Say another thing about my cousin ever again like this, i'll find out who you are and you'll be fucking in for it. She's my world and i'll do anything for her.

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even if Erin was the last person to loose her V out of all her friends,being first is nothing to be proud off hahah

So true haha!
I don't understand why it's such a big deal anyway. I mean, it's just sex? I have a boyfriend who I like a lot and I felt ready as did he, so it happened? At least I was sober, it meant something and I won't regret it. Unlike half of the people who brag about it and they regret it.

the rest.

erin muir
A couple weeks ago, I got close with my ex, Mark. Thing happened and we just went straight back to square one. People were blaming him for saying all the things on my Ask.fm about Emma (see below if necessary) but, I really know that it wasn’t. Mark isn’t like that, he knows how much Emma means to me, knows how much I hate the words that were used, and would never go so low to say all the sick things that were said. The fact that people were blaming him is pathetic. You’s probably don’t even know him and judging him from all the shit that both of us have already been through before in the past. STOP asking both of us about it from now on, butt out of our lives and stop giving us greif.
To anyone, who has ever said anything, who thought about saying anything about my cousin? I’d just want to say fuck you all. You’re all sick little bastards who have basically bullied a ten year old girl who knows nothing, all through me. She’s beautiful. Just because she’s different from all of us and not ‘normal’ doesn’t mean she should be judged. All people with disabilities are the cutest people ever, they’re strong and go through a hell of a lot. I have so much respect for them, because why a cunt to someone who hasn’t done anything but lived their lives to the best extent they can?
I’m sorry for the big rant, and sorry if someone finds it ‘attention seeking’ but I got asked, and I’m only answering. Nothing will ever change the way I feel about people with disabilities, or about my cousin. I love her, so god damn much, she’s fucking perfect.

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I knw this is personal to u, but everyone seems to be asking. post the story on what is wrong and what happened with ur cuzin situation the past month?

Okay, so whoever it was who asked this question, you’re right. I do get people asking me all the time what is wrong with my cousin, if she’ll ever get better and the whole situation that happened over this website a few weeks ago.
Emma was born on July 18th, 2002. I was only five. At first I didn’t know what was going on, why Emma was the way she was and nothing really about disabilities at all. As I got older, I was told over and over again, getting new information every time and finally realising what Emma’s condition was. Emma suffers from Cerebral Palsy. This is when a faulty happens in the brain when it doesn’t develop fully. Therefore, this affects motor conditions that also cause physical disability to various areas of the body movement. Unfortunately, Emma cannot walk and never will be able too, so she had a wheelchair. She also cannot speak. Although, trying to teach her the past 10 years has paid off because she can mumble words such as mum, dad, granny and papa. They are understandable. Other than that, harder words and also when she is bringing a sentence together, she uses either her Dyno Box which is a machine that talks for her, or she just uses sign language that all of her family understand and also have to learn. I always get upset about her because it’s really hard. It’s hard to watch her see other children running around, having fun and doing what they want. As Emma cannot walk, she is unable to do the things she wants to do. She cries, gets stressed and is always tired because she doesn’t have the strength of a ten year old. Whenever I’m with her, we do have fun. We basically act like best friends, or even sisters. I let her jump about on me, boss me about and basically we just have fun. The best part of going away on holiday with her is when she wants to cuddle at night and go to sleep. Not only is everything so stressful for Emma herself, but also for her family and friends. People look at her in the street, sometimes smiling and other times with the snide looks. Every single time someone looks at us in a bad way, you just want to turn around and ask what the problem is, but you can’t because everyone does have their own opinion. This one time when I was in primary 6 which also carried throughout to primary 7. Something really bad was said about her, a few times. This hurt me, my mum, her mum, my gran, my brother and my dad. The words ‘mongo’ and ‘retard’ were used to describe her and they are the most hated words I could ever think of using. To indicate to myself that my cousin was a ‘mongo’ really hurt me. From then on, I realized how sick and low people could be. I still get it a few times of websites such as Ask.fm but also in person, over the phone etc. I get so angry about it, that I make myself cry. As much as I wanted too, I’d do something about it. I know I can’t because this hasn’t just happened to Emma.....

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okay just seen the hate about your cousin. shut the fuck up okay Emma is beautiful and is such a cute wee girl, she is such a strong girl and soo happy. the person who said it is the one that needs to go because they are a sick cunt who has no idea what she has gone through. LOVE YOU EZZA

jenny cuthbert
Thank you Jenny, love you too x

Haha, emma is a mongo, hope she dies lol xxx

Haha, she is, is she? And you do, do you? Well that's nice. Saying that about a child with a disability. 10 years old and can't even take a fucking step to walk, can't speak and can't do anything to help herself. Very fucking 'lol' eh? You're a sick person and I hope you die 'lol' because she's my fucking baby and I love her no matter how different she is to everyone else, get a fucking grip of yourself.

who have you recently gotten close 2?

I've spoken to these two for ages now, but they're the most recent people I've gotten close too. I never used to speak to Jack but now I do which is great and I've spoke to Jason just a little longer. But, now I'm with them every single day, school is fab with them. After school and when we're out we're always having good laughs and memories that I know I won't forget. Two people I know I can have a laugh with, I trust and feels as if I've been friends with them forever. I know we've been getting shit the past few weeks but just because I'm 15 and they're 18 doesn't make then paedo's, or even gay for the matter of being close. It's pretty pathetic what's happened. I love these boys so much though, ma bff's aw x


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