

Ask @ermmm

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Are you a very ambitious person?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahhahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahahahahaahahahahhaahhahahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahha no and i'm sorry

When the electricity goes out in your home, what’s the first thing you miss?

the light, i'm not terrified of the dark it's just edgy

If you could pick your favourite teacher from primary school and your favourite teacher from high school who would they be?


fav artist/band fav song fan kind of music!:) you can ask me something after if you want!:) if you do it thankyou:)

I don't really have a favourite song at the moment some of my favourite bands are: rolo tomassi, twin atlantic, pulled apart by horses, the shins, a day to remember, passion pit and mogwai i feel like this list is gonna go on forever so i'm stopping


Language: English