

Ask @euphoricfeelings

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do u handle hate well

Honestly not at all. I get really sensitive and take everything to heart and try to get everyone to like me lol.
Liked by: morgan

I don't understand why they're hating on you so much tho

#NeitherDoIPleaseStopBeingLittleBitches :))))

anytime💖 and if those people knew you like I do they wouldn't be saying things like that cause you're none of those things and you mean so much to everyone cause you're always there for people and you're so sweet and down to earth💜💜 ily

sophia baverso
It's literally because of Mr. Internet famous. (You know who.)

don't listen to them. none of that is true and you shouldn't believe they are. you're gorgeous and you're not fat at all. don't let people like them bother you cause those things are irrelevant. answer positive questions rather then the negative ones. please don't listen to them. be strong ily:)))))

Thank you and I knooow! 💜

Im a small, skinny freshman, will people wedgie me by my tighty whities at school?

Not at all lol. I promise you.

because youre really pretty and so are all youre friends and im ugly

OMGFAGSHAH I am just a person! And I agree my friends on Instagram are pretty, but that's on the inside and out. I don't really see anyone as ugly. You're only ugly if you act like shit. Look wise, there is always something beautiful even if you don't see it, I will. :)

i follow you on insta gram and i want to talk to you because you seem really cool but im to intimidated to

On Instagram? Just dm me or comment or something! Why are you intimidated?

does it bother u that some people follow u for ur looks only .?

I mean I never thought of it like that, but kinda I guess. Like no one actually makes a comment about me myself, it's always like physically feature wise, not like how I'm nice or funny or whatever they think. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have all the support I get but idk I wish it was more about me as a person as to my looks, which don't even matter?

what do u think of ur fans

I have fans? 😂 I don't. 😂😂 Just people who like my Instagram.

how do you grow your hair so long?

I honestly don't do anything to it. Like that's what helps. I barely use heat on my hair because I'm at the stage where I don't care if I look like a pile of shit. 😂 But I use certain leave in conditioners, brushes, and routines in the shower and afterwards. If you want to know more in detail let me know! ☺️

why won't you text me back? :(

Liked by: Maddie


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