
exo limelight fic fest

Latest answers from exo limelight fic fest

Hi mods! Sorry bcause I'm new to fic fests. When do we get to know if the prompts we claimed are approved? ((:

An email regarding the prompt you want to work on will be sent! No need to apologize, it's okay! :)

1. pls use ao3!!! im begging you guys also 2. my prompter didn't specify any side pairings they want, does that mean i can choose?

1. We will let you know if we finally decided on the platform! hehehe
2. Yes, you can choose whichever side pairing you want :)

please use ao3 please! i still cant get around LJ lol im a complete noob

lol me too! i find it hard to navigate lj

hi! which platform are you guys using for the fest? ao3? lj?

we're not sure yet! originally, we use lj as the platform but because of the changes in rules, it would be difficult. but we created a dreamwidth account just last week! should we post both on dreamwidth and ao3?

are you going to update the prompt archive so that we can see which prompts have been claimed?

Hi! Yes it would be updated every night so you guys can see what''s new. :)

What is lj format? Sorry I'm new in this ^^'

We will be sending the format through email a week before the deadline so don't worry :)

What kind of formatting should we use for our stories? Like, the html tags for lj or for ao3 or what?

hi! sorry for the late reply. please use lj's format. :)

hi, sorry i didn't read the instructions properly and i wrote the ship name as their birth instead of stage names! is that okay? i prompted two like that, i think?

It's okay! 😊 Thank you for sending a prompt!

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