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Latest answers from ejipahana

We clean our house when we invite someone ... We must clean our hearts if we want to invite Allah☺😊

Thanks 4 the valuable advice. Yeah, especially during solah. Kdg2 kita selalu ambil mudah :) Dulu waktu form 1/2 , dkt masjid saidina usman ada tertulis " Solat dengan besugi itu lebih baik drpd 70 Solat tanpa bersugi ". :) just sharing.

Yakinlah ada sesuatu yg menantimu selepas banyak kesabaran(yg kau jalani),yg akan membuatmu terpena hingga kau lupa betapa pedihnya kesakitan itu.. -Ali bin Abi Thalib-

SPM . Please pray 4 me :*(

Fon yang ringan kat tangan sekarang ni.. Jangan sampai jadi azab paling berat kat akhirat nanti Sama sama kita muhasabah.. -hamba allah-

Marilah sama sama kita beristighfar. Thanks 4 the advice hamba Allah :)

Allah knows , when you feel all alone in this world and there's nobody to count your tears , just remember, no matter where you are Allah knows, Allah counts. 😳😳

Truely , sometimes I don't understand why and why we human can still do lots of sins but at the end , when we are in deep trouble. The only person for us to look for is Allah the almighty :*) Alhamdulillah. Allah is the best companion.

Sesungguhnya hati orang yang bodoh itu ada di mulutnya tetapi hati orang yang bijaksana ada di hatinya😉

Yeah , so watch out for your laser tongue :) Pray 4 me keh.

Are you going to watch "Rogue One" or have already watched it?

Err , not so interested in movies that is full of blood, kill and cruel stuffs. I can say that I'm quite a scaredy cat. AHA

Selamat Menyambut Ramadan Kareem.🌈 Isikan hari2 anda dengan ibadat yg bermanfaat😃

Thanks :)

Language: English