Ask @faithlieu

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How can you tell if you like someone?

I know it sounds cliche, but it's kind of like you'll be doing the randomest of things and you'll suddenly think like "man, _____ would've loved to see this" or "I wish ____ was here to see this... he/she would've loved it" and like I feel it's more of the subtle things like trying to lowkey cross paths with them, acting happier and a lot more bubbly around them, choosing an outfit in hopes that they'll notice, glancing at them of all people in the hallways, etc but also the more obvious things like feeling anxious/nervous when you see them, smiling at the thought of them, wanting to be with them etc
but the subtleties kind of separate what you feel from infatuation and actually liking a person imho it's v complex but I wish you the best of luck friend !! c:

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your thoughts on liking someone while being in a relationship with someone else?

I personally don't feel it's fair for the person you're dating or for yourself
it'd be best to take time away from both of them and figure out who you truly have feelings for because if you were in any of the other positions you would want that person to do the same and it's just what's best for all three of you
if you're seriously stuck in this scenario I wish you all the best 🙌🏻💕 I'm here if talking is needed 😌


kaejaem’s Profile PhotoKiara
-> @GokouRurii "nice job man <-

i am legit so disappointed by all the relationships that are going on in gr7 at the moment that broke up just recently... they only have dated for days, not even for a month. oh lord gracious, bless me. 😫 SLOW DOWN PEOPLE. 😂😭

tbhmarion’s Profile PhotoMarionㅤㅤ
LOOOL yeah. I don't want wanna say you guys are too young to date bc yeah there are those people who date and stay together but like honestly for screw up jr high by adding relationship drama into it >.> I made that mistake and got so much hate for YEARS because of it and it was ridiculous and ended in so many spoiled friendships with close friends 🙄 it's sad to hear that dating has kinda become "mainstream" throughout the seveners if I'm going to be completely honest here 😂😅BUT IF YOU NEED ME TO TAKE CARE OF PEOPLE I GOT YOUR BACK 😌😤💪🏻👌🏻

Thoughts on the ljhs drama? (I'm assuming you know what's going on since you're friends or know most of the grade sevens)

I don't wanna say this bc I'm gonna sound like one of the adults lecturing young kids but like idk man ... I mean I see what's going on but I don't go to that school anymore and so I don't know the full story but I feel like it's just ridiculous 😅 Jr. high is literally there to learn and make mistakes and enjoy life (before highschool hits you like a truck and UNI backs up and runs you over again)
but I don't know the full story and I'm in no place to say what they can or can't do but I've been in a similar spot with the peer pressure and dating and I don't think people should send anonymous hate to people (primarily @tbhmarion bc she seems to be the one getting the most heat) bc it's stupid and I've been victim to that and it's horrible and no one should have to go through it

Pap of grad dress?😊 Or is it a surprise?

🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻 more of an "I don't have a picture rn and even if I did i wouldn't post it" kinda dealio friend 🙌🏻😅
Liked by: Kiara Angel

thoughts on the school lockdown

y'all need to quit sharing that stupid thing on fb saying that we had a lockdown
yes it was real and yes it was scary learning that it was real but that doesn't mean y'all need to go share it everywhere and freak out other people or try to get attention 🙄😅 that goes for sc too @/thepeopletakingpicsofcopcars ... my friends classes were being complete idiots during this thing bc they thought it was a drill when it wasn't ._. just take all these things seriously okay and stop being stupid ✌🏻️

I love how on that list of asks Alex is the only one with a capital letter at the start of his name

thanks for the observation friend you're v observant 🙌🏻✌🏻️ but yeah it bugs me bc it ruins the pattern 😂
Liked by: ALEX

How's the ib exams?

a moment of silence to all the IB math kids today 😩😭 if y'all see this msg me bc I need to see who was able to actually do the questions and show me how so I can feel more stupid than I already do 😂😅🙌🏻
Hows the ib exams
Liked by: ALEX Raxle Kate Amanda


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