
Fakhir Tihaami

Ask @fakhir90

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Who was the last person you talked to? ??

I talked to my mother on the phone. We live in different cities so she keeps checking up on me every 3 hours . I am a grown ass man Ma leave me alone

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Your beautiful name, what does it mean?

Thank you .It means prestige / grandeur . Whatever fancies your tickle

Aww you just giggled because of me *dies saying damnnn fakhir* haha

hahahhaah you made my day again .Its the second time Thank you ! xD

How old are you?

I once dropped a f-bomb at my host parents home back in England when i was on exchange to Cambridge , with them being in the room...
I talked about the other day when we went to the cinema and a girl suddenly blacked out and girls screamed "we need help!". I thought: "Just shut the f*** up!" and recited that exact phrase with them being in the room... I just wanted to say that I liked the movie and yeah...

Aisle, middle, or window seat?

Window for the view and rest; aisle for the bathroom and ease of flight in case of an accident (where the plane doesn't blow up instantly. In this case, aisle and a distance of up to 5 rows from the doors).
In any case, middle seat sucks!
Liked by: Khansa Elyas

whats the craziest party you been to?

Well at one party, I got ridiculously out of hand, pole danced on a banister at a random house, who I knew no one at (I'm a 6'2 midget). Danced with, then proceeded to puke on a random girl. However I have no memory of this. Actually I woke up in our universities basketball arena. To this day I have no idea how I got in there. But I digress, I hadn't even known I'd done any of this until one day, months and months later, my buddys girlfriend tells me about it, and it happens to be that she was the one I puked on.
Liked by: rabbiaaa. Hridikaa

the guy i like said ''let me know if u need help with math'' i said ''ok thanks '' so he said ''shut up with this formal ass thank u shit'' what do i respond to that?

Freshman year of college. I shared a dorm with a guy who would shower and put his dirty clothes back on without towel drying. Weird fucker. He said he did professional wrestling back home under the name "The Enforcer". One day I caught him playing with Hulk Hogan and Brutus the Barber Beefcake action figures.
I transfered to another room. I couldn't handle that guy.Slap that douche


Syed Wajahat Rafi.
My friend was sleeping over at my house back in NJ. My mom and sister were all sleeping upstairs while we were downstairs watching tv, playing video games and shit. At around 1 am he asks if this girl can come over (he REALLY wants to get with this girl, and I don't want to turn him down so I reluctantly agree, on the condition that she's quiet.) The three of us are hanging out and I make some excuse to leave the room so my friend can have some alone time with this girl. I'm upstairs in my room when I start hearing loud moans. This is bad news for me, but great news for my friend, he's losing his virginity to a girl he really likes. I hear stirring in the next room and I know that their bout of loud lovemaking has woken my mom. The last thing I want is for my confused mom to walk in on my friend fucking this girl in my basement. What do I do? I go to pornhub, click on the first video I see, crank that shit to 100 on my speakers and let it play for the ~three minutes that my buddy ended up lasting. My mum ended up coming into my room, discovering the source of the noise (I even threw in some fapping motion under the covers) and awkwardly leaving. My buddy ended up having "the best fucking time ever bro" but jesus there were some awkward glances exchanged between my family and I the next morning. .He named me a real human bean burrito lmao

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hahahahah that story though

That's just one of them .This one time I blacked out at my frat house two miles from campus. Woke up at 10:30 the next morning on the bathroom floor of the school library's 24 hour study room with my jeans ripped around the crotch, my jacket ripped in several places and my phone missing.
I originally feared something bad had happened to me but a vague recollection of climbing barbed wire fences (my school is next to a Steam Generating Station) popped into my mind.

Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?

The first weekend of my freshman year, before classes had even started: There is knock on my door about midnight. I had been sleeping, so I crawl out of my scary ass lofted bed. I dodge my half unpacked shit everywhere. Open the door. Buck naked dude yells "YOU WANNA PLAY SOME NAKED HALL FOOTBALL!?!" Nope, I'm good. I go back to sleep.

Share a funny story?

October 21 ,2012 New Jersey
My grandma, quite a passive lady has several cats that she loves. One of her cats bit my sister. The bite got infected and my sister had to go to the doctor for an antibiotic. The doctor reported the bite and Animal Control was dispatched to evaluate the situation. My grandma successfully avoided Animal Control officers for quite some time. One of the Animal Control officers took it upon herself to meet with my grandma and started staking out the neighborhood waiting for my grandma to come home. This would result in my grandma flying up the street, followed soon after by an animal control car (I live across the street from my grandmother).
One day my grandma returned home, when sure enough, animal control showed up. My grandma has windows on each side of her door and so when the animal control officer approached the door, my sweet old, proper grandma dropped to the floor and proceeded to crawl across the room to hide behind a couch. The animal control officer didn't leave the porch and continued to ring the doorbell. Soon her phone rang, which she ignored. It went to the answering machine... Where she heard the following:
"This is Animal Control, we have an officer at your residence, she says that you won't answer the door but she can see you hiding behind the couch. Please answer the door."
My grandma crawled to the kitchen, where she called her daughters for advice. But she never came to the door. The next day my Grandpa was dispatched to Animal Control headquarters where he sorted things out.
Ain't my grandma the cutest ?

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Liked by: Uzair


Language: English