

Ask @farahsuho

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Hi guys,tommorow is a big day in our high school life which is our SPM.I would like to take this opportunity to say sorry if i have done something that have hurt you in anyways.I would like to wish good luck to all SPM candidates.Put your level best you can surely be able to do well:D

Goodluck for you too dear ;)))
Liked by: nodol

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farah,10 fact abt me .ㅅ. please. . .

Nabilah yusra㋡
10? Byknya TT
1- loves kai sooooooo much! ><
2- my bestfriend ;)
3- kaki shopping
4- tak pndai pujuk org -,-
5- addicted to fanfic (yeah same with me)
6- selalu tido lmbt then esok ada panda eyes
7- kuat tido
8- bila nabilah ketawa kita slalu jd mangsa yg kena pukul (sakit juga sometimes TT tapi dh biasa)
9- cool
10- cute and pretty!
....hahah kita xtau nk tulis ape xP....
Liked by: Nabilah yusra㋡

best male and female solo singer?

Female - shakira, ariana grande (my opinion)
Male - usher, ne-yo, david archuleta, (too many xP)

What time do you usually go to sleep?

If not school days, usually around 3am xPP But if it school days, its around 12.30 to 1 am... And later i'm gonna have a panda eyes TT

What song did you most recently get tired of due to its overplaying?

Lee jonghyun and juniel - love falls and 5 seconds of summer - she looks so perfect


Language: English