

Ask @fatimatimi

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(karena besok teachers day) dear teachers..

thank you banget atas semua jasa2 kalian, and im sure other students juga bakal say the same. throughout my school journey, i have met lots of amazing and unique teachers, that are very kind and warm-hearted.. you kept patient when the whole class are being total rebels haha :D. i highly appreciate your effort to teach us because i know, its not that easy. without you guys, we wouldnt get good grades, and of course, we wouldnt graduate elementary.. :" for all the teachers that ever taught me, thank you so much, for everything! happy teachers day :)
Liked by: Shafa Nadira Emilia

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sebutin semua anak 6a!

InsyaAllah inget hehe :3
fatima, fathimah, claudia, denisa, vk, vp, dea, michelle, alice, amanda, jenni, fariq, kennard, brian, ricky, chris, arvin, cagak, rafi, mikhael, angela, bidadari, andersen, alvino, grasiela, salsa, aaron
sorry kalo kelupaan hehe :/

impersonate yang panjang no scroll down ;)

Shafa Nadira
"Eh oii"
"Kurangin loh coklatnya"
"Diem napa"
"Nanti aku kasih coklat"
"Mulai timi mulai"
"Mampus!! Jomblo."
*typo* kyk misalnya
"abis jadi orang somobong sih"
trus "*sombbong" "*sombongh"
akhirnya "*sombong"
"Sabar neng"
"Kayak situ ngak?"
*ngambek lamaa*
*masih aja ngambek*
*aku dah kesel nih*
"Ahhh timi mah kan aku bercanda" -_-
*ratusan kali haii*
"Haii ini trakhir"
*tetep aja haii terus*
sudahlah ya? :*
Liked by: Shafa Nadira Emilia

impersonate jenni

"bosen nih"
"lagi apa"
"makanya nyebelin kan"
"kalo udah kacang emg nyeblin"
"tadi malem aku mimpi ____"
"sorry ganggu"
"aku bawel ya" padahal gak
*stickers line*
segitu aja ya :))
Liked by: Shafa Nadira

What made your day today?

gravitation levitation, its not that funny now tho.. but it was rlly funny and we laughed so damn hard in keputrian hahah omg i feel so bad for her sorry
Liked by: Shafa Nadira

thoughts on people who smoke!

I hate ppl who smoke, gaada gunanya, mau keren? pfft. it doesn't make you look cool at all.. and also it doesn't make your lungs look cool as well, am I rite? kalo ngerokok semuanya effectsnya negative, like stained teeth, bad breath, lung damage and others. no use of smoking.. also, inget ya kalo smoking itu dosa, mau dosa ya silakan merokok... im also pretty sure most ppl think that a smoking boy is such a turn off, if not for you, then, for me its such a big turn off. jadi kesimpulannya, jangan ngerokok, it doesn't make you look cool, never does, its not worth it. im not pushing, just encouraging to stop (if you do smoke), nanti malah nyesel loh. there are lots of other things to do rather than to smoke, kan? you can do good useful things like study, read the Quran, shalat, and others? just don't, itu aja, jangan! :(

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Liked by: Shafa Nadira Emilia


Language: English