

Ask @fatinfareed1432

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You had level 7 walls when you were in Angel Delight, I kept checking out your base while you were there.

Wasay ⚡️
Dude I am talking about the first time I joined and I had level 5 walls for about two weeks and level 6 not 7
Liked by: Wasay ⚡️

Before joining Angel delight, you don't have any clan that you stayed with for more than one month. This clan is different, every Co and Leader cares for EVERYONE even this noob called Los187 (Every Co and Leader except for a Co called Weedy Loc's but he's a really cool guy.)

Wasay ⚡️
Sorry was raidin My answer is no and I am talking about clans I joined after I got kicked from ad the first time when I had a level 6 th and level 1walls
Liked by: Wasay ⚡️

But I don't wanna leave this clan...

Wasay ⚡️
Thats what I felt when O first joined ad but in the end I found that every clan leader cares only for the clan not members I experienced yhat in many clans but you be mah bro so I am not a rough leader
Liked by: Wasay ⚡️

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But this clan is better, and if you join there it'll get even more better, and you can easily get some new friends here.

Wasay ⚡️
I already have friends from ad joining me and we have at 10 members war will start 8 till now
Liked by: Wasay ⚡️

I'm not a hopper, I've been in this clan for a month. And it's not because They need members, it's because those guys know me and they trust me because I'm active and I donate and attack in the clan wars. If someone joined right now, the Elder, co, or leader would just welcome you and help you.

Wasay ⚡️
That happens in my clan too and I have seen people staying for 4 months then leaving for a month then coming back
Liked by: Wasay ⚡️

No you can earn it. You HAVE to earn it first. But after that if you leave and come back you will instantly become and Elder again, I mean, look at these guys' trust.

Wasay ⚡️
Liked by: Wasay ⚡️

No, but this clan is different, I just rejoined and didn't even ask and instantly became an elder again, and the leader even said, "Don't leave for too long, we need a fellow clan member , especially you. "

Wasay ⚡️
Just becuz they wanted members and I dont like getting free elder I like to earn it DONT SEND AND ANSWER QUESTIONS AT THE SAME TIME
Liked by: Wasay ⚡️

Your parents wouldn't give you your mobiles a week before the exams, I remember you got it three weeks before the exams.

Wasay ⚡️
No thats not true it was 1 week before exams and it got taken 2 days after I got it -_-
Liked by: Wasay ⚡️

COME. ON. My clan won't start playing seriously in Clan wars till we have 45 members, your clan members are all we need bro.

Wasay ⚡️
Nope I need more clan members too why dont you join!! I have had enough experiences with joining someone always get booted or demoted
Liked by: Wasay ⚡️

No but in between, I didn't play for two months and a half. That's why you're better. C'mon brah, We've got helpful people anywhere you just have to ask Homer or Lazerlyte for Hogs and they give them to you. And we have this really cool guy called Weedy Locs.

Wasay ⚡️
I already have hogs B| and btw Ypu started coc waaaaay before me more then 2 months and In angel delight iron gave me max level hogs whenever I asked B| bhai ki deshat
Liked by: Wasay ⚡️

Why don't you tell your clan members to join FishLips?

Wasay ⚡️
Fish lips suxx we aint joinin anyone and why dont you join me? we already have 7 members will start a war on 1 you started coc before me and I AM BETTER THEN YOU in yo face nigga
Liked by: Wasay ⚡️

Hi! ♚ Selena Gomez doppelganger! (look a like) @SofhSolaresx would you be able to follow her, like her questions and send her a gift please, Send me done and I'll do them all back to you too have a lovely day. Ps you're really cute!

Carly Haber
haha done! the likes amd follow 50 enough?
Liked by: Wasay ⚡️

What're you protesting against?

Wasay ⚡️
Well the leader ks making a new clan affiliated with angel delight for level 80+ so me and a couple of my friends are protesting against it Well the protest wad successful and they dismissed the project
Liked by: Wasay ⚡️


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