

Is being a conventionally attractive, young woman still a requirement to be a flight attendant these days, or is that an outdated criteria?

I feel like beauty has its perks when applying for a job like that

Latest answers from Stronk

During the winter, when days are shorter, do you ever wake up confused? That happens to me sometimes. I wake up and be like “is it 7 am or 7pm?” “Did I just wake up from a nap or did I sleep all night” idk, it’s always dark.

I be waking up confused every day 😭😭😭

Do you think zodiac signs mean anything? Do they have any influence over us?

I think zodiac signs are cool theory’s but I typically try to stay on the realistic side “how would science break this down” or “how does this work”

Have you ever been in a social setting with a friend and someone you didn't know/or barely knew, and your friend had to go somewhere and left you with that person alone? If so, how did the interaction go? Was it a bit awkward or did it go well? I've experienced both things, lol

All the time but you start to learn how to deal with situations like that after the 2-3rd person

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