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we used to put morphine, heroin, cocaine in OTC meds in the early 1900s bc we didn't realize how addictive/dangerous they are. We used to have homosexuality listed as a mental illness. Science did, and will continue to do, a lot of dumb shit that we will later realize was extremely foolish ;p

I know? That's what I said below aha x

science has been wrong so many times?! like.. we used to think the earth was flat, also that the earth was the center of the universe. We used to think Lobotomies were a useful procedure when it really just turned ppl into vegetables. cont.


When I eat the WHOLE pint of ice cream (once a week aproximately) I never eat more than 2500 calories (in all day including the pint) That's not restrict but I feel Like if I eat more than this I'll struggle... Is it ok??

If you're deliberately restricting then it's not okay x

Today I ate 200-300 calories more than usually and I'm weight restored... It won't affect my weight, isn't it?

No, it'll have no effect

I'm counting calories to achieve 2200 (I'm weight restored) but my parents have hidden the scale and I can't measure anything… I'm really anxious because I don't know if I'm eating a proper amount

Since you're WR try not to worry too much about exact weighs of food...maybe ask for some support with portioning meals from your parents if you're struggling x

I'm weight restored eating 2100-2200 c usually but today I ate almost 3000 bc a pint party... But I feel like I ate so much??

No that's fine, you had a treat, there's nothing wrong with that x

If I was partying the previous night and I ate something (700c) at 6:30 a.m without sleep, It counts as "nightsnack" or "breakfast"? xx

Breakfast xx

Mtw, please don't answer if it'll trigger you. I heard/felt my arm pop when I was cutting, why could this be? Should I be panicking?

Idk tbh. If it's unusually painful or there's any change in sensation it could be nerve/muscle damage but it's impossible for me to tell. If you're worried, definitely see a doctor ASAP x

When has science been wrong?

Science has been wrong many times in the past, is probably wrong now in some areas and will most likely still be wrong in the future...as is the nature of the scientific method! Hypothesis testing and therefore theory development are dynamic processes. Science isn't static, and the ideas it presents evolve, based on new knowledge.

When someone texts you they love you and you're their favourite person etc, but you know they're drunk do you listen and believe what they say or just ignore it and just think they're saying it because they are drunk. The guy and I are really close and I really like him etc.

It depends what they're like the rest of the time tbh. Just ask him, otherwise you'll never know X

Tw. I don't know how to show my MH nurse my cuts. I need her to see them because she won't believe how I'm struggling. She usually avoids talking about SH (idk why) but my last appointment we talked about it and she didn't see them, shes only seen them two years or so ago and like 4 months ago.

Maybe try and write her a letter explaining how you feel about it and give it to her?

What do YOU class as superficial cuts?

I think the whole idea of "superficial" cuts is stupid. I'm sure there's a medical definition but to me it's just triggering and reinforces the misconception that extent of emotional pain=extent of physical damage through SH which is ??????
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Tw. Please help, I don't know who else to ask, sorry. My SH is getting worse and my MH team know and they aren't doing anything to help. They won't even give me appointments. What do I do? Who can I talk to? I'm finding it so hard right now. Sorry if I triggered you.

Samaritans or Childline? There are lots of good charities that support people with mental health issues. You could go back to your GP and explain the situation and see if there's anything they can do as well. Keep fighting x

Tw. Can not allowing your cuts to heal (picking scabs etc) be classed as self harm?

I guess it depends on your intention...like if it's for the pain or just a habit

Top self harm distractions?

Listening to music, watching a film, colouring, reading, going for a run x

TW. can you be suicidal (like have attempted several times) but still be scared of death? Like it's not as if I want to die I just think its the only way I can stop the pain.

Yes definitely x


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