
anthony burleigh

Ask @flexage

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She isn't pretty u could get someone way hotter....... Trust me just dump her

The thing i dont think your understanding is SHE IS THE BEST GIRL IVE EVER MET. so I'm not gonna break up with her and stand around waiting for someone I don't love.
Liked by: Stephanie

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She isn't even pretty and her personality is terrible so far from perfection

She's so beautiful and she is sooo sweet,kind,funny, and amazing too me. To me there is no one closer to perfection.
Liked by: Stephanie

Fuck Boi

How dose me being committed to my girlfriend 100% make me a “fuck boi".
Holy fuck peoples stupidity these days.

I'm new at fe and I think I seen u today. You are very attractive!! To bad you have a gf I would date you

Sorry I'm in a very happy relationship. but thank you, and I'm sure you will find someone to hold you like I do steph :) good luck and goodnight.

You're hot, really hot why r u Datin such a ugly girl. You're really built and she's not the skinniest. Jw

This is his "ugly" girlfriend, you are a pretty ignorant person. I can lose weight but it looks like you can't lose your ugly personality. I guess I am doing pretty good since I have such a hot boyfriend. You are probably a little grade 9 who likes to talk crap, but just you wait until I figure out who this is. Heads up I'm not a very nice person when he's not around. So either you come up to me face to face at school or come off anon. Okay? Good. Anyways I'm going to go make out with my hot bf. You know the guy you can't have. Have a good night. :)

لآ اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له .. الهاً وآحداً .. وربّـاً وشاهداً .. أحداً وصمداً .. ونحن له صآبـرون .. لآ اله الآ الله محمد رسول الله ~ اللهم اليك فوضت أمري وعليك توكلت يآ أرحم الرآحميــن ~ ♥ ~

Im sorry i can't read Arabic. :( can you translate?
Liked by: Rachael Thomson

Thoughts babe 💕😏

You're an amazing kisser. You're beautiful. You can always make me smile. I love how you pretend you are a unicorn. I love your eyes, I love your hair and I love how you are so ticklish and I just love you and touching your butt.


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