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Ask @floppy9713

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today in my family,two quarrels,one is my bro and my mom,another is my dad and my mom,only me,i tried to be the peacemaker,but failed,that is why i dont like the family,a little……as a result,always the female

I hate it when that happens :( family quarrels are the worst when you just want them to be happy. It's especially hard if they try to get you to take sides.
Liked by: KatlynZ

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i get panda eyes,except get some sleep and make-up,what can i do with them? pls

Mash up some cucumber and put under them, or there are cucumber based creams, gels, and facial masks you can buy too. It helps a lot! Also just eating a variety of good foods with antioxidants like watermelon and capsicum as well as the usual fruit and veg. Staying hydrated is also important.
Liked by: KatlynZ

What kills us and what makes us eternal?

That is not the real question.
The real question is: what doesn't kill us, and why are we not eternal?

Can you truly love more than one person?

I wouldn't know, and I don't intend on finding out. If you love someone, you should stick by them through thick and thin. If you allow yourself, consciously or not, to fall for another, did you really love the first to begin with?
Liked by: KatlynZ

Is it more important to love or be loved?

Each is as important as the other. Loving, and being loved, should go hand in hand, for without one, the other cannot be fully appreciated.
Liked by: KatlynZ

What are some of the first things you do in the morning?

Bilal Chaudhry
Check my phone to make sure I didn't fall asleep while talking to Andy, reply if I did. Drag myself out of bed. Check any other messages, emails etc. Have breakfast. Change out of my pj's. nothing unusual really.
Liked by: KatlynZ

What is the last song you listened to?

Can't remember the exact song but I'm pretty sure it was by either The Script or OneRepublic
Liked by: KatlynZ

the date is chinese traditional festival.when the date comes,i will celebrate the festival,and u,of course...

I vaguely remember hearing about that :) the date of yours is celebrated here as New Year's Eve, so I'll be celebrating yours at that time as well! :)
Liked by: KatlynZ

What is the worst gift you have ever received?

Probably the mix disks of my favourite band's music given to me by my ex as a birthday present. I loved it at the time, but for ages after we split I hated to hear the songs because it fucking hurt. So yeah, if you really wanna fuck someone up, go give her a mix cd and then for her next birthday stop talking to her for 3 weeks either side of it, 6 consecutive weeks in total, so that she begins to think maybe she should ring the hospital to see if you're there. Oh and don't forget to make her feel like shit for a long time prior so she thinks that nobody else would ever want her.
On a lighter note, the best present I ever got was given to me by the universe in the form of a boy who would then proceed to help me fix the damage, caused by a number of previous persons, and teach me to see good in myself again

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Liked by: KatlynZ

How do you communicate most with your friends?

Pffft. Me? Communicate with friends?? You are joking, right? COMMUNICATE?!


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