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Should I act on my feelings of just fucking everything off and just get up and go?

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If you can, just go. I find myself in shit situations quite often and and the thing that always helped me before was just moving elsewhere, doing something else and start from fresh page and see where that will go
mhm in my opinion, no! cause you could look back later on in life and think it’s the biggest mistake you’ve made. i don’t know what you’re doing with life atm but just think of all the possibilities it could bring you to do. but at same time do what makes you happy, don’t spend your life doing something that makes you unhappy just because society lets on that you should ? hope this helps
I think you need to ask yourself if your feelings stem from your attitude or from the circumstances. If it is the latter, then maybe it’s time to get out. But if it’s the former, try to look at everything again with fresh eyes and find some positives

Language: English