

Ask @fukualreadytaken

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Plans for 420? (had to be asked)

Idk I will be spending it with my buddys from school because they're my home boys

dunno who sent you that question, my party is Weds 15th -.- & the usual babes

Okay I'll let you know if I'm free :)

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Cool that u party with people from college everyone's entitled to their own options & opinions but not contradicting myself it's rude of u to say that u couldn't deal with people from ur year being drunk, not everyone would wanna party with ur pot head/LSD doin friends, fair enough but just saying:)

Thank you and I can't cope with drunk people at all that's why I don't drink myself& I can't cope with my year because I know what most of them are like, who ever put that 'collage' one probably acts really nice to me at school and then says that but whatever

omg i look like a pig woop, and its Wednesday coming babes, come with Gosia if you want :)

You don't trust me hahaaa & I'll see what I'm doing and let you know, who is going?

I just wanna buy you loads of flowers and chocolate and go to Dam with you :')

I'll go dam with you but you don't have to buy me flowers or anything :)

This pops up on my facebook and i seen the one about you not getting invited to parties, load of shit cos i invited you and gosia to mine this weds but think you're in scotland?? ?? Its rebecca love you babe

Oh I didn't know you did :o but yeah I was in Scotland, I got back today :3

Stop thinking ur hard just cos u have parties with people from collage

It's college not collage HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
and I can assure you I am anything but hard hahaa

Why does Natalia go to parties but you don't

The parties I go to are not the ones my year have hahaa, the parties I go to are either mine which is quite frequent or people from college, I could not be doing with all the drunk people in my year that's just too much
Liked by: bongs and thongs


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