
felwa ~ aziz

Ask @fwf

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If you had the opportunity to start your own business, what would you start?

I think I'll think 2 open a company that made special dolls , I like the way they made
& I think it's creative in some way
Even thaw I'm 21 bs I do lOVE the dolls

mmmmmmm 7 Facts About You ;p?

1: super 7sasa :'/ 3la 6wwwl az3l w ma a7b elly a7ba y'3l6 abbbd ;'s
2: dlww3a w a7b elly ydll3ni ;;) xp
3: ktheeeeeer a7yan a3ml 7aly '3bbya w ra3yt tsleek (y)
4: a7s eni 6yeeba :' / ma a7b a7d y'9eeg 5a6ro
5: I LOVE MY self , bs I'm not selfish
6: a7b L falla w L rgg9 w L song w L ajw2 L 95bb B-)
7: akrh e4a 39bbt ¬_¬ cus I'm being SO black
P,s soorrryy eno ma rdeet bsrr3a ;'*

hii flonaaa ,, how u doin, missss ya so much =( .. amm bma ena ma3ndi BB i'll do it her :$ :( .. "sweetie ur invited 2 my sis's grad party ,, i hope u'll come (L) .. rdi li b email aw hena :$ .. Gud luck n ur exams.. xo

halla w '3llllla
walla ronni miss you more nd more :"(
5lllllllllaaa9 jeeeby BB amaaana
Nshalla :$ i'll be there gooly lha mbrook w 3gbaaal 3ndnnna yarrrb w 3ndk :&
when nd where ROnni ??
& tra fjj2a kl L emails elly 3nnd e5tfoo
fj2a L msn jdeed O_O

One more Q :$ 10 facts about snotk :'$ !!!

1. Adore her
2.love her
3.Die 4 her
4.Crazy about her
5.So fuc*** miss her
6.Can't without her
7.The best face ever
8.She got the perfect smile <3
9.Always make me feel better
10.She is love me ;;)

Yaaaa foooof Tra ana miss U w Maaaaaa a7b alwgt bdonk «3 :( *z!'

Miss you more nd mooore and I just want you with me now


7ta ana maybe a9yeer MSHTAGA

you always drive me to be some nerves !!! My Q is ...: WHY ?

I'm every thing I am because you love me ;;)


Language: English