
Gabbs . ✨

Ask @gabbyboolove

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... If it gets to you act like it don't! Keep your head up pretty girl and smile, you have a beautiful smile. You're perfect in every aspect possible and I'm here for you no matter what!

Omgg thank you so much !

... You're one of the most beautiful girls I know! Ignore all the people that talk shit about you, they just jealous and wish they could be you. Those people try to get at you and if you act like it bothers you then they just gonna keep doin it because they want it to get to you so even...

Yeah your right , I'm not gonna even pay attention to them anymore .

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I'm with someone who you know so I'm going to stay anon until I figure out what I want to say. including to the person I'm with. My feelings are conflicted for them, and I want to be honest. The stuff you wrote caught me off guard, and I'm struggling on what to do but you made other feelings clearer

What stuff did I write that caught you off gaurd ?

Its destroying me to see the more perfect girl I know say those things. You're one of the most amazing people I've ever met, but I'm also intimidated because you seem so perfect. You're everything I look up to and want to be. If you can't go on and be happy, i have no reason or will to go on either.

Oh my goodness , who is this ? Kik me please , it would mean a lot ..

Aww, honey i feel the same way you feel. I dont know whether to give up or not. It hurts very bad, i know your pain if nobody esle doesnt. I know how You feel. We're basically going through the same thing.

Who is this ..?

Hey darling, I'm always here for you if you wanna talk. it's never a bother. my kiks in my bio or I can give you my number if you ever need someone to talk too! stay strong though.

Thank you so much , I really appreciate it ..

Are you okay?

You know what , I'm not okay .. I'm tired of pushing my feelings to the side to make everyone else feel better . Because no one cares about how I feel , they only care about what they can get out of me . & falling in love sucks , because you know that the other person is never going to feel the same way about you as you do for them . It doesn't work like that .. I'm tired of crying myself every night , & having literally no one to talk to . I'm tired of people always talking shit about me , when all they know is my name . I hate it when people you care so much about , just up & leave you . I hate it when people fuck with my feelings all the time like it's some game . I hate it when I'm so venerable to everyone , so people take advantage of me . I'm tired of giving my all to someone , & them not giving a shit . I'm sick an tired of always having to move , an switch schools because I can't take being at a place anymore . I'm tired of fake friends & broken promises . I honestly can't take this anymore , I'm to the point , on the edge where I don't know if I wanna stay , or jump ..

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TBH, U ARE THE SLOWEST TEXTER BACKER EVER!!!!! U MAKE ME SAD:( meanie. Jk I love you, but yeah kik me asshole<3 you're perfect. Rate10 BF; everything

I know ! (/.\) I can't help it lolol . I'll kik you right now baby ! ❤️

And btw Link is food stamps I guess only people in chicago call it link..Thats why i said you must stay in the country

Lolol I do stay in the country . I live in Georgia in the middle of crack head town .

if you have kids with a black guy or a mixed guy they would be supeeerr cute. Like just picture it yo

I want a mixed baby with pretty eyes soooooooo bad ❤️


Language: English