

Ask @gabrielacirjaliu1

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Be the best ,FUCK the rest ✌✔ i don't judge people so you fucking idiots who judge me or other people you mean nothing for me not even a shit #sorrynotsorry and pls don't wasted your life begin a hater ✌ i love her acc imi traduci tot te rog mult <3 .

,,Fi cel mai bun ,Dă dracu restul,eu nu judec oameni asa ca voi idiotilor care ma judeca sau judeca alte persoane nu insemnati nimic pentru mine nici macar un cacat #scuzenuimiparerau si te rog nu iti irosi viata find un uracios ''
Daca chiar vrei sa sti ce inseamna fuck cauta pe google translate ....orcum de ce vroiai sa sti ce inseamna?


Language: English