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Latest answers from waxman

What's your advice of the day?

If you have time to play any games, just stop playing and work hard for the world.

what champs and role do you main in LoL? what division are you in?

Temmo, Yasuo as top and sup lane.
When I became sup, I will pick the one of them sometimes. no troll. Otherwise, I will pick adc champs, because in last season, it showed that pro who pick adc are almost in the top of Challenger. So I tried to pick them, and play hard, finally I'm feeder obviously.
According to last season status, I was in Sliver 1. I have never played in new season. So it's unranked like Bronze 5.

has your dad ever heard you "talking alone" but in English? .w. that must be weird...

Ah... When I spoke Japanese on my stream, my father did ;;

Let's play League of Legends

This game is gg for me. Like osu!
But I don't have a tablet. So I don't play osu!

Waxman is so quiet these days :(

Because my father said you talk alone lol. Although I was streaming ......

Language: English