
Georgia Keddy-Grant

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Do you not think you could have sorted whatever happend with Chloe in a more better way than fighting because girls fighting really is chavvy

Ok so I asked Tayla for me her and Katherine to meet at the cars it should have been just us 4. About 15 people turned up.I didn't want to fight anyone because I'm not really a fighting person like I love to joke around but knowing that I have physically had another fight with another girl who didn't need to get involved just annoys me. Chloe came at me from behind and I'm not the kind of girl who is going to sit there and take it I will fight back. I hope i don't come across a chav for having a fight but I'm glad I stood my ground and fought for myself .

What inspires you?

My dad inspires me every day to be happy and to not give two shits, he inspires me to work hard in everything i do and to achieve everything I want, he may not seem like the inspiring type of man but I couldn't be the person I am today without him, amazing isn't even close enough to how much he has done for everyone!!I'm so grateful to call him my daddy ?❤️

Why did Indy wee on her phone

Omfg funniest thing of my life??? basically we went to the toilet and Indy had her phone in her back pocket and she pulled her pants down and her phone fell into the toilet and she started weeing then I said what was that noise, was it ur phone ?She turned around and was like shit shit but she couldn't stop weeing then I pissed myself and she had to dive in her own wee and pull her phone out of the toilet ?????


Language: English