
Georgius Felix

Ask @georgiusfelix

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Ada pesan ga, khusus buat temen yg uda manfaatin elu? :v

manfaatin gw? keknya mereka ga manfaatin gw?

Fav music atm?

Badlands (Album) - Halsey
The Chainsmokers's songs
Playing with Fire & Stay - Blackpink
11:11 - Taeyeon
True Colors - Justin Timberlake & Anna Kendrick
Liked by: DROPPE

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Menurut kamu, demo kemarin gimana?

Gila lah pokoknya
I'm not trying to be racist here, but I'm trying to say the facts.
Kalo keliatan Chinese, digebukin,dilempar batu mobilnya, ada juga yang diperkosa,minimarket di obrak-abrik..Yang awalnya cuman ngincer Kristen sekarang malah ngincer nya Chinese. That's so racist and I'm not trying to set aside a "certain" religion or race but I'm just stating the facts.
Katanya sih aksi damai, where's the peace from all of the things I just mentioned?
" You're using your religion as an excuse to take revenge on someone, then you're no different than a man with no religion "


kemarin aja
mau surprise in Ms.Indri
pagi" udah niupin balon,sama bikin wish buat ms indri
trus pelajaran biasa gitu, afterschool langsung tempel"in balon di kelas Meekness ( yang ak pake waktu kelas 10 )
sama tempel"in wish ny
terus kita berdiri hadep"an gitu, ms indri masuk di blindfold gitu, buka" kita semua udah bawa lilin buat ditiup (total ada 32 lilin), habis itu di meja ada foto"ny meekness, cake, sama presentny??
Always and forever Meekness15/16??

What you miss the most from your childhood?

I miss a lot of things
- the long sleep hours
- the never ending play time
- no test,projects,etc #schoollife

Story about today?

kemarin aja gimana
7:15 ke skolah, trus kumpul di coram deo semua grade 10,11,12 buat mordev, habis itu Independence Fun, uber pitik trus ada fashion,estafet campursari,hias tumpeng? sampe jam 12:30 trus mandi" jam 3 ke skolah, ke giggle box, ngiranya sih sampe sana jam 4, karena ada yg mau ketemu pacar dan salah jalan trus, sampe sana jam 5, trus makan disana, foto di jonas, pulang dengan mobil berisi 11 orang?? trus sampe rumah selesaii?
Liked by: aureliasandi


" You didn't want to be lied to, so you asked for the truth. But once you heard the truth, you wish that it was all just a lie " –anonymous

Gimana di IPA?

harus rajin ( kalo tugas diundur2 trus nanti akan berkembang biak )
kuat mental kalo udah gak mudeng, dimudeng"in aja??
Liked by: Shiella


Language: English