

Ask @ghea_20

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ge pernah diapain sama rizky? pernah ciumankan? gausa sok boong dehh

yauda kl emg menurutmu aku perna. repot bgtsi. lagian bukannya so boong, emg blm perna ditanyain yg beginian sm anon kurang kerjaan ky km.

rizky seberapa berartinya buat km?

he's ma crazy babiboy, he always try do the best for me, sometimes he make me dissapointed but i know it just unintentionally, aku bersyukur bgt ditemuin org kaya dia, aku sayang dia and always love him.
god, keep that relationsip please, i know u love me, u love him, u love us.
thanks to everything u give us and for this time im just really know he's the best men who you believe for taking care of me??
rizky seberapa berartinya buat km

suka beli tas sekolah sma sepatu skolah dimana? kisaran harganya brpa kira" kalo kamu beli.

urban js dan semcmnya bgsbgs ko. kl hargasi tergantung ganentu.
Liked by: Gheaaaa ayas


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