
Regina Gozali

Ask @ghoregina

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If you had to dye your hair and keep the color for the next five years, what color would you choose?

If you had to dye your hair and keep the color for the next five years what

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kalo ketemu sama cowo tipe mu gimana sikap kmu ke dy ? :v

mungkin biasa aja, walaupun dalam hati berdebar-debar dan berharap. tapi setelah semua yang pernah kualami, berharap bukan jadi hal menarik lagi krn aku tahu akan sia2 berharap sesuatu yang tidak mungkin dimiliki. Intinya, aku gak pernah memulai dulu atau berusaha tdk menunjukkan tanda2 bahwa aku suka sama cwo itu. karena biasanya kalau aku menunjukkannya, mereka akan lari :/
Liked by: Jingga nattasha

What are the things you want to avoid in a relationship?

Having expectations that are too high.
Being controlling.
Getting too serious too soon.
Fighting about everything.
Talking behind.
Hiding things.

@eringilfoy asks, "What are some of your guilty pleasures?"

Chocolate, Chocochips cookies, Wall's TimTam Choco Blast, Chitato (all flavours), Watching RPDR, Daydream about my fantasy life, Get lost in a super-addicting wattpad story, Sleeping, Lip-syncing.

20 fact about me :3

Males pake english :v
sha itu...
1. Embem :3
2. Suka bawa virus laper T_T
3. Hardstyle :v
4. Doyan molor (sama sih ~.~)
5. Suka warna merah
6. Gokil
7. Bisa diajak menggila
8. Pandaku cayank bolo bolo :* *goyang ekor*
9-20. Gak bisa dideskripsikan satu-satu (bilang aja males bun :'v)
Tapi yang pasti sha itu adalah salah satu teman yang berharga :'3
(2 seringgit.. 2 seringgit.. #kaburrrr)
20 fact about me 3
Liked by: Nesha Trithama

I just wanna reward you with gifts, I just want to help you so much. I am in a giving mood right now. You are such a precious human being, you are so precious. I want to give you something. What can I get you?

Thanks. Just give best wishes for me :') lol

What is (or was) your favorite class in school?

English, computer, accounting, and lunch break ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)

Post a picture of your favorite movie!

mostly johnny depp's movies...
Also harry potter, party monster, hunger games, resident evil, spy kids, black swan, avatar, x-men, And many more
Post a picture of your favorite movie


Language: English