
new acc: pall0r

Ask @glittore

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"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it" Do you agree with this quote? Why?

Depends on the context.
I think this quote is consistently relevant when it comes to politics. Remember the mistakes of your predecessors and be careful not to repeat them - or you may find the country you rule spiraling into disaster, whether it be war or some other national debacle.
Liked by: BLAKE

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Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he

The fact that I am surrounded by extremely ignorant and harmful people on this site really upsets me lol I just wish they'd all go away :^)
Liked by: mari BLAKE

As wonderful as the all inclusive race emojis are why did they get rid of brunette white girl emoji? ??

I didn't really notice that - I tend to just use face/sparkle/heart emojis.
I wish they'd create palettes for hair color on the person emojis. That'd be cool.

Where do you feel most safe? Why?

I feel the most safe on the island my best friends live on, because I am 30 minutes from mainland Florida and it's like a completely different place. Artsy, with vibrantly painted beach shacks left and right, and fresh, beachy air. There is a network of canals running through the island which my best friends and I like to navigate on her boat, and a small island that used to be a public park that we hike through. It's gorgeous.
Liked by: em BLAKE

describe yourself!! ?

Hmm. Personality-wise I'm sort of a smartass. I'm impatient (when it comes to other people pissing me off). I'm sarcastic and sharp-tongued.
Physically, everything about me is pale. My eyes are dull grey-green, my skin is fair, my freckles are light. The only dark quality of mine is the hair on my head.
Liked by: BLAKE em

oh my god... agender is a subcategory of nonbinary along with genderfluid, demigirl, demiboy and anything that isn't male or female. so apparently being agender is ok but not a demigirl??? even tho they both fit under the definition of nonbinary??? ok cool bye

i'm just a shork

What is your opinion of social justice warriors? Do you think that what they do has helped better society? Why?

I support intersectional feminists & those who follow that belief system ("sjw's").
They've helped to advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights, increase awareness regarding r*pe and hate crimes against poc (among other things); educate about gender, and much more. I'm so happy that more and more people are joining the movement.

I said that female, male, and nonbinary do(&let's add agender bc forgot that one). That the other ones were extra because the others fit into nonbinary. You are getting so worked up on it. If you know you are nonbinary, then preach that shit. Her page was never meant to trigger anybody. You know if

Agender is nonbinary...
I'm done answering your horseshit.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?

"Love at first sight" is a bad name for what happens.
You can't love a person immediately; you're attracted to their physical appearance.
That attraction to their appearance compels you to get to know the person better; who they are under their skin, their personality. That's when you start falling in love.

Should all drugs be decriminalised? Why? What is the best way to prevent people from becoming drug addicts?

I believe only in the decriminalization of marijuana, as it's literally less harmful than tobacco.
You can't stop someone from becoming an addict; you can only influence them from a young age to stay away from hard drugs & hope they have the sense to listen.
Liked by: BLAKE

doesn't exist. You literally twists words, just like how you try to act innocent on stuff in the past.

I have people who would back me up on this.
I'd go get the receipts myself if going on Jacoba's page didn't fucking trigger me.
I'm not innocent and I don't pretend to be! I've said myself I've been a horrible person and I still am.
You don't give any acknowledgement to the fact that you're absurdly two-faced.
Liked by: mari xiph BLAKE

It is funny how you said that people said your gender doesn't exist. We never said that. We said we believed in female, male, and nonbinary. First, you said you were non binary then you went to demigirl which's literally the same thing. Many fit into the same spot. Nobody said your gender doesn't ex

You fucking spat in my face.
I'm nonbinary and demigirl.
Nonbinary is an umbrella term for any gender outside of cis male & female, just as "fruit" is a fucking umbrella term for bananas, oranges, apples, etc. You'll call those fruits "fruits" and by their individual names because that's what you were taught, but you'll try and say that genders don't deserve more classification than just "nonbinary" just because they aren't tangible. Go the fuck away and take your ignorance with you.

What do you think of the quote "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"? What do you interpret this quote to mean?

Beauty is subjective. Everyone's definition of beauty is slightly different.
What some consider beautiful, others do not.
Liked by: BLAKE дождь

Tubby is just super mellow because she's elderly now, I guess that kinda makes me sad though because I've had her forever and she used to be my snuggle buddy and I know she won't be around much longer. She's sick..

): I'm sorry about your lil kitty
Liked by: BLAKE дождь

you're gorgeous aw (sorry if that's not the right word to use ahhh)

I don't mind being described by that word at all! Actually I find it the most flattering. Thank you so much ♥ you're super pretty!!
Today's been something else. I went from feeling immensely miserable/anxious to being noticed by a bunch of people I admire (including you!) and omg now I'm just overwhelmed with happy jitters >w< it's great. Thank you, and thank everyone else who's been showing me support today ♥ I'm super happy eep

Do you have any political views? What are they?

I really don't follow politics and I am not going to pretend that I do.
However, I will be voting for Bernie Sanders because I agree with his views. If he doesn't win the primaries then I will be voting for Hillary as she is pretty much America's only chance if Bernie doesn't make it.

Oreo is super tiny though. I think maybe they took him from his mother too soon :( but he's a good kitty. Not sure how to be playful ? but super sweet

Peanut (the black and white cat) is tiny too! I think he was a runt, but we can't know for sure because he was a feral kitten we rescued (his mother passed away)
Liked by: BLAKE дождь

Kitty is cute. I luvz da cat. I have a cat. Her name is Tubby. She earned her name. And I have a kitten. His name is Oreo. He's black and white.. And he lives milk. So he's milks favorite kitty (get it? XD)

LOL that Oreo thing is adorable & I think chubby cats are SO CUTE!
here are my bb's Peanut & Ginger! ✨

What is your opinion of people who taxidermy their pets/animals? Why?

[tw animal death??]
I honestly find it really morbid and terrifying.. I deal very poorly with death so I would personally rather just give my animal a proper goodbye. I see taxidermy as mutilation - taxidermized animals make me very uncomfortable..
Liked by: °emily° дождь

What thoughts or feelings do you have when you see the following colours- Red, Orange, Pink

Red - anger. flaming anger. blinding anger. blood. lust.
Orange - confusion... agitation
Pink - bubblegum, childhood, Japan
Just listed the first things to pop up in my head.
Liked by: дождь


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