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Ask @glittore

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I am pretty sure that no one hates Sammy, me included. A mistake, two, happens to everyone. I do not have a blacklist, but a few people could find themselves in it ? Hoho, the war was won, Bri is rocking them boots. About Miss, do not let it get the best of you, there is no point in trying to say

I agree!! Stevie*** (LOL) isn't the issue anymore.

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Oh, we absolutely can ? Thanks you very much, you are a sweet person yourself ? Hahaha, true... It was is a drama, but hey, brought people closer together.

In the end I don't really mind the results. I'm cool with Stevie and my blacklist isn't sad and empty anymore! Plus I got closer to you and Bri got those free boots. I can't complain (except about Murphy's ableism - that I'm still absolutely fuming over.)
Liked by: xiph BLAKE

This whole drama is ridiculous bc at this point stevie and bri don't even care and this miss murphy girl is taking the whole thing so far..... like why is she the one saying that you want attention when she's doing at this shit.. anyways im sure it'll all blow over soon, ur the best ok

i'm just a shork
Ty! I'm done gracing her with my attention tbh, I have all the receipts I need to confirm what a vile person she is.

This stupid phone! ?

LOLLL <3 can we just take a moment to realize that this shitfest actually brought me to realize how sweet you can be? ;) drama has its upsides
Liked by: BLAKE

This drama has me so confused ugh. It was explained to me and I'm still lost because I don't get why it blew up so much, like??? CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY IT WAS BLOWN SO MUCH OUT OF PROPORTION SERIOUSLY.

It started on a stormy night in 1939
Miss Murphy decided it'd be cute to indirect me and then call ME a cockroach (same thing she called Bri)
So I decided I was fucking done trying to stay calm. :~)

That's not the way thing should be done! Dammit! Tell that beautiful friend of yours that she/he doesn't need to worry about blank words said out of poor defense. If they need help, they can give me a shout.

Wait Zy is that you? I feel like this was unintentional anon but BLESS WHOEVER THIS IS YOU ARE AN ANGEL I LOVE U
Liked by: BLAKE

are u okay with people argueing with other people for you for ecxample if they insulted u

If people want to jump to my defense, I really wouldn't mind, in all honesty.
Liked by: xiph BLAKE

What do you think of Miss Murphy's apology? http://ask.fm/Miss_Murphy/answer/131077577412

ourWorld Papparazzi
I think it's kind of dramatic lol she's acting as though the entirety of the forums were impacted by her petty insult????? but whatever. The only reason why I got pissed off at what she said is because it was completely fucking uncalled for and a really rude thing to call my friend - especially since she was trying to be kind.

Whats your opinion on sad frog meme, Miley, and Miss Murphy after all this?

ourWorld Papparazzi
LOL I'm going to be dead ass honest here.
Honestly I don't really have a problem with Sammy because she apologized to me personally (and hopefully Bri and others as well). Although she was acting extremely greedy it resulted in Bri getting her boots for wwwaaay less than she was prepared to (thanks Billie!!!). Good things happen to those who deserve it!
Miley was acting extremely immaturely & rudely during the entire situation. Like, what the hell - she went out of her way to gift Zy a poop, LMAO. Pretty inane and childish, but it gave us all a good laugh so I'll thank her for the chuckle. :~)
Miss Murphy's involvement shocked me, as did her sudden change in attitude. I thought her to be a kind and reasonable person; nope, I was wrong. In fact, what she did was so disgustingly rude and shocking that I decided to block her on live and give her a nice spot on my forum blacklists. Calling Bri a cockroach? You'd have to be the most vile of trash to insult someone like that for attempting to be nice after the situation blew up.

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Themed Spam. Eyes: Do you see the best or worst in other people? Why?

I see the best in other people, which usually proves to be my downfall, because they end up fucking me over.
Liked by: BLAKE


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