
new acc: pall0r

Ask @glittore

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new acc: pall0r
[continuing HO's]
?? I was scared of u, like, intimidated of you for some reason?? Before talking to you?? who the hell knows why, thanks social anxiety for never making any FUCKIN SENSE
Anyway, I think you and I are very alike, judging by the conversations we have had. Beyond our shared disorders I think we have similar traits and personalities - I find you extremely interesting and easy to talk to which is a relief because conversation is fucking hard!! I'm glad I found someone I can vent to about the horrendous noises I have to put up with every day, holy shit. Let's keep talking !!!!! You're a cutie

What type of person do you want to be in five years time?

A stronger and more stable person - mentally, physically, and financially!!
Liked by: BLAKE

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What are you overly criticised for?

I'm usually chastised for my self-centered behavior and having dreadfully low self-esteem
like gosh sorry for being mentally ill!!!
Liked by: BLAKE

don't worry xinna i'm honestly the exact same way it will take me hours and lots of persuading to get out of bed and do something outside of the internet (i just got that question off of the internet tbh)

LOL you and I are one of the same, come visit me and we can sit on my bed on the internet together until we've stayed there so long that we've become one with the mattress
Liked by: BLAKE

what activity do you never procrastinate on when it needs doing?

LOOOL oh god Julia this question is gonna make me cry.. honestly I procrastinate on everything important (assignments, art, even self-care and eating) so the answer is literally fucking nothing BUT I'd have to say that the thing I get around to the fastest is calling/texting friends to make plans bc I love my babes enough to try not to be an unmotivated depressed ass
Liked by: BLAKE

favorite type of weather/natural environment?

Favorite weather: Mild chill/mild warmth (65-75 degrees F); foggy or hazy weather; heavy rain with light thunder/heat lightning (NOT SCARY LOUD ASS LIGHTNING)
Natural environment: Mountain forest/elevated terrain
Liked by: BLAKE

how are you always adorable?

Apparently I achieve this by just doin' my thing because I had no iDEA (thank u you sweetheart give me a hug)
Liked by: BLAKE

When did you realize you were non-binary (not saying when did you decide, differentiate between the two)

The wording on this is confusing me but I'll try my best to answer what I think you're getting at...
It's difficult for me to pinpoint exactly when I realized I was not cis, but I had struggled with my gender identity for a long time before coming to terms with the fact that it is okay not to call myself woman although I am dfab. I refer to myself as demigirl because it is a label reserved for those who feel either only distantly female or partially female. I thought at first that I was agender, but I am most comfortable with referring to myself as a demigirl because I feel it describes my gender the most effectively. I never feel more than vaguely feminine and most of the time feel rather genderless. If you're wondering about the difference between binary/nonbinary genders, the is difference that cis-binary people associate their sex with their gender. For nonbinary people, sex is completely irrelevant. Whether a person dfab, dmab, intersex or anything else (I'm not yet educated on the other instances of sex, forgive me) - yes there are more than 2 sexes, their gender identity has nothing to do with their assigned sex. Furthermore, cis people are limited to either she or he pronouns; nonbinary people may use she, he, they and a variety of other pronouns depending on what makes them most comfortable. TLDR: nonbinary people do not base their gender off of their sex, cis people do. Nonbinary people use a wider range of pronouns to express their gender identity (but some nonbinary people use he/him or she/her pronouns; for example, Ruby Rose [she/her]). Cis people cannot use they/them or any pronouns beyond those used to describe a male or female (he/him for males, she/her for females).

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Liked by: xiph BLAKE

What makes life worth living, for you? (Please don't write only one sentence)

[tw food]
Long walks during the day/night.
Fresh lemonade.
Fuzzy blankets.
Movie nights with the boys at Collin's house; our "safety chains" and League games together.
The fact that I will soon be safe, out of Florida, far away from the abusive situation I'm currently stuck in.
The sjw/feminist community - the most beautiful group of people I've had the pleasure of meeting.
My "twitter wife".
Baggy sweaters, big flannels, and harem sweatpants.
Natalie, Tessa, and Julia, and the days we spend on the island together; our odd and wonderful traditional New Years' Eve gatherings.
The internet in general - the best distraction for a mind clouded with dark thoughts.
Littleton, and the mountains of New Hampshire; the fresh air and the towering trees, the breathtaking views from the summit.
Sharing guacamole and chips with my friends at Moe's.
Snorkeling in the Keys among all the vibrant sea life, and watching the jellyfish in aquariums.
(Attaching jellyfish video clip because it's super soothing to watch)

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glittore’s Video 130917808252

Order up: http://ask.fm/BlissfulBekah/answer/130397171330

Queen B
Ayyy you found out who I am!! Apparently not all older forumers have because apparently there's been a mass ask saying "who's Xinna" as if they can't ask me themselves. Tbh I don't really remember what we "fell out" about but it was probably something incredibly inane, all I can remember is that I wasn't all there mentally at the time which may be the reasoning for my faulty memory of a lot of the conflicts I've been involved in.. I sort of go into another state?? It's hard to explain. But yeah we're cool & thank you for the HO
Liked by: BLAKE Amanda Queen B

thank you, my brother is a feminist ally and he's trying hard to stray from the fuckboy attitude despite constant influence

God bless his soul, he is a true warrior for breaking free of the fuckboy life
Liked by: BLAKE Maizyarchy

I WAS FUCKING 10- and at the time I thought 13 years was really old. frosty is 3 years older than me. i just realized. I think coolieperson might have passed because she had an autoimmune disease. also my brother likes your "fight my nonbinary ass"

Aw RIP to her if that's the case.. Damn. I REMEMBER I TOLD PPL I WAS JUST A REALLY PETITE 13 YEAR OLD AT LIKE 10 ohmygoddd LOL. And thank ur brother for me!! more people need to follow in his footsteps and appreciate that beautiful ask prompt of mine.
Liked by: BLAKE

i was so thirsty i edited bftuna's comment calling me stupid to "i wanna be your friend" i was a messed up child

LOL that kindergarten tier insult though oh my god
Liked by: BLAKE


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