
new acc: pall0r

Ask @glittore

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Not that I am good resource, but I think if anybody tries to tell you different about who you are, you should give them a slap on the hand and a wake up call. But that might be too rude, but they kinda deserve it in a way for assuming.

I usually politely correct those who misgender me. Usually people don't mean it. But when people try to tell me my gender is simply an "opinion" or "matter of perspective" I lose me shit.
Liked by: BLAKE

Maybe in my future I could be a designer and make t-shirts for it,but I'll get the opinion of people who it would be designed for just so I don't end up offending people. You remind me I have to watch a show tonight about this transgender girl.

I have a few t shirt ideas I might put out there if I have a chance ^^
I think your idea is really neat and having a little feedback council will definitely help make sure your products are not offending anyone! and yw for the reminder :P
Liked by: BLAKE

Yeah, I get it because some people are born into a body that they don't belong in because it's just not them. I think everybody should be able to do what they want. I don't know why people get so hyped up whether you wear boy or girl clothes or what you have between your legs.

Yep! How a person presents themselves is up to them & no one else. It does not determine their gender, whether or not they "look cis". Nobody has the right to judge who is and isn't cis based off of appearance. There is no right/wrong when it comes to presentation!
Liked by: xiph BLAKE

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couldnt you just buy a shirt saying "you might see tits, but dont assume im a woman." dont know if that's offending but it just puts it out there.

LOL well it's sort of true. Not all women have boobs/vaginas, not all men have penises, and what's in the pants or shirts of nonbinary people isn't anyone's business. Gender is a social construct and has been recognized as a social construct since the emergence of second-wave feminism (circa '60s-70s). Sex & body parts have absolutely nothing to do with it & we need sassy t-shirts that convey that!!!
Liked by: xiph BLAKE

I think you shouldn't be in such a worry about your boobs. You said you either want big or just none. But honestly big boobs are too complicated. Like I'd want them to disappear off of me.

it's more of a dysphoria thing for me cause idk if I want to look more fem or gender neutral but if I were to get surgery then everyone would just go around assuming I'm a woman :^)
Liked by: BLAKE

My family from Chicago rented a beach house in Redondo Beach (it's worth $8M for sale, but I don't think they paid that much) and it was HUGE but most of the rooms were bedrooms and is that wasn't enough house for you, there was a tiny house at the bottom of the hill, right next to the beach.

Beach houses are absurdly expensive, even if they're shacks - I know ;-;
Realistically I could probably afford rental on an itty bitty one
Liked by: BLAKE

we can be like the kardashians and get boob jobs together ok!!!!

[tw body image?]
idk actually... lately my boobs have been causing me a lot of grief and I'm considering binding. I have a love/hate relationship with them in terms of how I want to present. I feel like since my boobs are already small I should just bind them because at times they make me feel so just unhappy and uncomfortable and visually unappealing because they're not big and nice. I either want a huge or nonexistent chest basically
Liked by: BLAKE

i wanna be a millionare so i can be ur sugar momma and pay for any cosmetics or surgeries u want and also so we can afford more cats

AND a beach house in Cali !
Liked by: BLAKE

aah i hate to butt in! but angel i think you're beautiful and very attractive !!

You're ok- you're not butting in. Thank you for the compliment. I kind of stopped posting selfies n stuff because bdd is getting to me and I can't see myself nor my body as attractive ever these days; I even gave up on self-grooming and makeup. I'm sorry. I'm glad you find me attractive though and I'm thankful.

Do you think Cd's and other music products should have age ratings on them? Why? Eg. Films have age ratings such as 18,15, etc.

I think that, for now, mature content advisory labels are sufficient for music-related products. Typically, kids who go shopping alone are around 13/14 years old at least; I think that at that age they're mature enough to purchase & listen to explicit music. Usually anyone younger than that age is likely to go shopping with a guardian present who would probably monitor their purchases, although some parents/guardians don't give a shit about explicit content.
Liked by: BLAKE

Do you listen to K-Pop? If so, what is your favorite song? If not, do you at least know of a K-Pop song that is not Gangnam style?

FANTASTIC BABY (is that kpop or jpop idk I never listen to that stuff)
Liked by: BLAKE

Are you more of an emotional person or a logical person? Why?

I try to think rationally and logically, but seeing as I'm hyperemotional and expressive, usually my emotions cloud my logical thoughts.

70 percent of meat sold in stores is treated with carbon monoxide to keep the meat fresh and red colored. Do you think this is a safe practice? Would you still buy the meat if it was brown colored?

[tw food/diet]
I highly doubt that putting carbon monoxide-treated food into one's body is a healthy practice. This is why I'm a vegetarian.
Liked by: BLAKE

What's the worst relationship you've been in?

Most people around my age are sexually active and whatnot, meanwhile I've never been in a proper relationship because I'm not at all physically attractive nor desirable :^)
Liked by: BLAKE

stood up for you against julia smh

and when the mass question about Kayla went around, you did what? said you were no longer in contact with me. nice.
Liked by: BLAKE


jessicafarts’s Profile Photojess
I used to go by Kat & Rin, my name is Xin now
Liked by: jess BLAKE

skype me emin3mfreak

I know who this is & you sort of didn't have my back during an incident where I was being harassed so I'd honestly rather not and on top of that my service sucks out here

will you be my mother and feed me grapes and tell me about the rabbits

I feel empty and I feel like a terrible fucking person, I don't know or understna d why i exist, i am rotten to the cor eand i have ntohing to offer anyone and i hatemyself because i can never empathize or have compassion for anyone, im a self centered ass and i hate myself i hate myself i ha t emyself iwsih i were a nice person i wish i could be a decent fucking person
Liked by: BLAKE

Question 1: What are your thoughts on fan pages? Do you think they're flattering or creepy? Have you ever had one made for you?

Once upon a time, someone made a fan account of me on a game I play + a fan account for me here.
I was extremely flattered to have a page dedicated to me and the admin knew me so well as a person. I didn't even have words for how special the page made me feel.
But, I was accused by anons of being both & the ask.fm fan page admin fucking deactivated due to that. She still got accused after posting proof that showed she obviously was not me.
:~) thanks, asshats
Liked by: Todd BLAKE

Sending this to everyone I follow because I need advice.. I have severe depression with suicidal tendencies, and I started smoking a couple days ago and it helps me calm down slightly. Neither medications or therapy have ever helped me. Any advice as to what I should try doing?

Constructive distractions.
Go out to the movies or call friends over for a movie day in if you have anxiety. Go for long walks or to a gym. Do art in any form: photography, film, painting/drawing. Volunteer at local events. Anything you love that will keep your mind away from dark thoughts, basically.
btw please at least swap cigarettes w/ vape if it's possible for you, cigs are far worse & you can get cartridges of vape w/ lower nicotine levels. addiction isn't the best thing, but it is your body.
I hope I helped.
Liked by: BLAKE


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