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Ask @glittore

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"asexual pervert" that reminds me of my friend who is an atheist that knows more about the new testament than most believers of those faiths.

LOL yay for knowing a lot about stuff you don't partake in
I mean - eventually I will likely engage in sexual activity but seeing as I am more sex-repulsed than neutral, I'll probably wait for a special ass person.
Liked by: Drew BLAKE

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you know, i just realized. I don't think flavored dental dams are as popular because the ingredients used for flavoring may irritate vaginas.

Honestly I hadn't heard of them but y'know I'm just an asexual pervert who knows what I hear, I don't go researching stuff or anything rip
Liked by: BLAKE

As a human species, do you think we are evolving? (This could be biologically, socially and so on) Why?

I believe that third-wave feminism is contributing to a mass social evolution. More people are becoming educated on abortion, political injustice, and sexuality/gender and it's amazing. Feminism has been around for a while but I think this generation of feminists have louder voices thanks to the internet, and because of this they are being heard whether people want to listen or not.
Liked by: BLAKE

What gives your life a purpose or meaning? Why?

My friends give my life purpose & meaning. Even my own family sees me as a disgrace so if it weren't for my friends I'd kinda be gone or barely here mentally :~)
Liked by: BLAKE

What is your opinion of burlesque dancing? Do you agree or disagree with some people who think that it's "just a bunch of strippers"?

Women are beautiful
Women's bodies are beautiful
I 100% support burlesque dancers and anyone with a similar career, you fuckin' GO
Liked by: BLAKE

when i grow old will you take me into the city, buy me a house of gold, close the goddamn door and take your gloves

I think I see a P!ATD reference but I'm lost on everything else, if these are more P!ATD references that goes to show how much P!ATD I listen to (not much)
Liked by: BLAKE

What thoughts and feelings come in to mind when you hear the following words: Peace, Earth, Fear

peace - wishful thinking; an illusion
earth - in need of our saving.
fear - gripping & terrifying, consuming.
Liked by: BLAKE Jess

Are you a hot weather or cold weather type of person?

HOT WEATHER unless it is a pleasantly chilly type of cold weather I want no part in it
Liked by: BLAKE

☆ mercury: do you act different around strangers, friends, and family? how do you act around each one?

dovbts spam ☆
I act extremely shy around strangers. I don't talk much and I feel extremely tense and stressed, usually; especially if I'm not around anyone I know.
I'm really bitter towards my family for reasons I'd not like to get into
I'm really sincere around friends - I would not consider myself a very kind/nice person nor am I good at consoling others, but I am the sweetest version of myself around my friends and I act my true self around them (slinging curse words, openly expressing my emotions, etc).
Liked by: BLAKE

☆ saturn: do you wear jewelry on the daily? if so, post a picture!

dovbts spam ☆
All my jewelry is at home atm and I'm out of state, but I usually wear earrings in all 4 of my ear piercings (2 on each lobe + cartilage on my left ear), a necklace with a gem pendant (usually my garnet & gold necklace) and various rings!
Liked by: BLAKE

☆ jupiter: how tall are you? are you taller or shorter than your parent(s)?

dovbts spam ☆
I'm about 5'6, falling just short of my mother's height of ~5'8 and my father's ~6'. I'm done growing as well so I'm staying smallish ;v;
Liked by: BLAKE

☆ mars: do you like reading/watching creepy things? why or why not?

dovbts spam ☆
I usually can't read creepy things unless they're only mildly disturbing. When I read, I really soak up the content so anything extremely terrifying will remain in my head for a long time. The same applies to me watching horror movies, but I enjoy them despite my anxiety & tendency to mentally dwell on scary things, so I will usually get together with friends to watch them as I feel significantly safer watching scary movies with other people present ~
Liked by: BLAKE

☆ venus: do you prefer being cold, or hot?

dovbts spam ☆
I'm always extremely cold, so I like hot showers, hot water to swim in, at LEAST room temperature beverages.. I'm usually wrapped in blankets or wearing tall fuzzy socks around my house as well.
Liked by: BLAKE

☆ earth: what things do you 'need' to live?

dovbts spam ☆
[tw food]
- my cats Ginger & Peanut
- my macbook
- my iphone
- baggy comfy clothes
- guacamole and chips
basically the comfort of having loving companions nearby whether reachable by computer or physical (cats) + bonus comfort food and clothes
Liked by: BLAKE


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