
new acc: pall0r

Ask @glittore

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Which genre of fiction/non fiction do you enjoy the most? Why?

I enjoy fantasy-related tales. I've always been intrigued by mythology and legends from different belief systems and ancient societies. I think reality is boring as fuck and a good fantasy story is a nice break from it all.
Liked by: BLAKE

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It's been reported that the charity 'Comic Relief' has donated millions of pounds towards fire arms and tobacco. Do you think that such investments undermine the belief that charities better society? Which charities do you donate to?

Cynical person that I am, I don't trust any charities with my money unless they are local and I can see what is being done with my donation (local animal shelters, for example). I would never trust any national or well known organization because many are known to be corrupt as fuck and siphon monetary support to horrible causes (such as the ones you mentioned)

Do you enjoy attending concerts/shows? Why? Which ones have you been to?

I've never attended a concert before, and being that I have symptoms that are similar to those of misophonia I doubt I should go to one
Liked by: BLAKE

j is ur bae

nope actually nor is it that one guy anymore. he's Canadian and he's an old oW player, that's all I'm gonna give out ~
Liked by: BLAKE

" I'm hot bye '' your doodle gives me life OH GOD IK WCIOSNA THEY ANIMATED HIM SO EPIC ALL THE MOVEMENTS AND JNFKDN Am I the only one who felt jealous of leona when he made that flirty sexy move on her? like ''sucks to be you, i am hot '' ok maybe I'm overthinking it.

HONESTLY I WANT DRAVEN TO BE A REAL MAN SO BAD but this guy cosplayed him & he looks so good and like I want to find him and m a r r y him like move the fuck over Leona this fine hunk of Noxian booty is mInE
Liked by: BLAKE Drew

oh yas those bros are life AND DRAVEN IN THE CINEMATIC IS SO EOVNGAGIEONOSNVN AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I love him. //creeps// show me your doodles 8D

Draven doodle!! I have more 2
Liked by: BLAKE Drew

YES OMG I used to draw Jinx so much during classes like vneD FJVANFN her design is epic, it's been 6 months since then thou so if I show you your eyes will burn LOL HAVE YOU DRAWN ANY FANART? *lolartfangirling*

Jinx's design is amazinggg as well as Vi's !!! They're like super steampunk inspired and hot af *melts* I have /DOODLED/ some champs such as Janna and Draven and I want to paint Darius but I'm so scared of not doing them justice??? I would die if I could paint a nice looking Darius & Draven those men are my life
Liked by: BLAKE Drew

+ we both like l.o.l ;)

I feel like you would draw Jinx very well!!
Liked by: BLAKE Drew

whaat?? no no I do not dislike you, I am sorry if I did anything to make you feel like that!! ><;;

Tbh it's probably just my social anxiety and guilt about the early 2014 drama and what it did to my rep with older forumers, don't worry about it bb it's not your fault ;v;
Liked by: BLAKE Drew

What is your opinion on vintage clothing? Do you own anything vintage yourself? Or do you think that vintage clothing is old and boring?

I love vintage clothing! I think an item's history and age adds to its beauty. I own a jewelry set from the 1920s and a pair of gloves from the 40s that I bought from the most lovely vintage store in my city. The man who owned the store rented several accessories out to me for prom - he made a special exception for me as he never rents out items from his store. He was such a sweet guy and I'm probably going to volunteer at his shop this summer. Vintage store owners are usually just as intriguing as the clothing & items they sell! Here's a picture of the 1940s fur stole I rented for prom night, along with a beaded clutch from around the same period.
Liked by: Jess BLAKE

What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

This is a tough question for me - my multifaceted anxiety causes me to be a generally high strung, easily flustered person. I can't really recall one specific situation where I've felt tremendously embarrassed, because that shit happens so frequently for me. I'd say the most common moments that cause me extreme embarrassment are the times when people call out my (birth) name at school and I naturally turn around/respond and the person's sort of like "lol not u bitch". I'm not popular at all but that shit stings and it causes me to just disregard anyone calling my name whether the person's trying to get my attention or not.
Liked by: BLAKE

Do you think that alternative therapies such as homeopathy are effective medical treatments? Why?

I was raised to believe that natural, organic products and practices are always the best. I believe this to be true to some extent, but I still think traditional medicine and hospital visits are necessary for the treatment of serious conditions.
Liked by: BLAKE

Question 1: Would you/Have you ever try/tried lucid dreaming? Why or why not? If you have tried lucid dreaming, what was it like? (Lucid dreaming is the ability to control your dreams)

Lucid dreaming scares me due to the fact that entering the state requires you to lie extremely still on your back. I tried it once and upon beginning to enter sleep paralysis (I wasn't entirely immobile) I began to see a bunch of terrifying faces blooming before my eyes and I got pretty damn scared and immediately just sat up and decided "not tonight". I had a friend with me for comfort, but just the concept of bringing a state of paralysis over yourself to control your dreams freaks me out, y'know? On a similar note, I'm sort of interested in astral projection but after watching Insidious I'm kinda ehhhh about it ;^; if the astral plane is super dark like that and if people new to the practice can get their physical forms stolen, I don't know if I'd want to take the risk.
Liked by: BLAKE

Do you think that virginity is a social construct? Why?

I think that the notion that having a penis in your vagina makes you "less desirable" and no longer pure is pretty fucking absurd
Liked by: Maizyarchy BLAKE

Question 1: Do you think everyone deserves to be forgiven no matter what they've done or the circumstances? Why or why not? (Please ignore if this is triggering to you)

I think that certain extremely cruel or grave deeds are impossible to forgive; murder would be an example.
Liked by: BLAKE


Language: English