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Ask @glittore

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Well, what I meant (I should have clarified) was that they can actually fuckin' spell. The anon hate I get is always full of errors and I can hardly ever even read them. /:

I'd rather have that than legible messages that could potentially trigger me lol.
Liked by: BLAKE

At least you get anon hate from people who actually have brains. LOL.

Idk about that lmao. It takes a pretty unintelligent person to try and flaunt their transphobia on the page of an educated feminist
Liked by: BLAKE Vee

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Merit-less opinions from a sheltered white girl who thinks her life is worse than the depths of hell. You have no time for drama, yet you are drama itself. You've got issues.

1. I'm nonbinary, you transphobic piece of shit.
2. If you don't use my pronouns, don't expect an inkling of respect from me.
3. You don't know shit about my life. Fuck off, you utter garbage pile. :)

Question 1: What makes you feel nostalgic? (If you don't know what nostalgic means, please use Google)

For some reason, certain songs and city skylines make me feel nostalgic... And the beginning of "Shades of Cool"'s music video???
Liked by: BLAKE

What do you think music in the future will be like?

I think music will take a bigger step towards synthy/dubstep-like music; futuristic and techno-based genres. And I am 100% cool with that.

I need some Avatar references to draw for fun and practice. I can't post the full photos but I will be posting them with my phone (if that's ok) on my profile! Anyone is welcome just post a photo on your page and link me to it in a question! (Also, I hope it's fine if I remove/add items!)

I will re-answer this with oW and imvu refs ;*
Liked by: BLAKE Vee

aye but we're not friends ;)))))) if u catch my drift I am ok. My dog scratched the hell out of me and cut my arm AND my thigh. Hurts like crazy. I've been clumsy lately???? You ?

I DIDNT SEE THIS RIP but ohohohoooo ;)))) idk I should be asleep rn but I'm not. fuck.
Liked by: BLAKE Vee

It's Relaxation Day. How will you unwind?

Probably with a light snack, big ol' fucking mug of water, and recorded League streams :^)
Liked by: BLAKE

What is your opinion on advice pages on ask fm?

From what I've seen they are run by very caring people, legitimately kind souls with respectable views and good advice to offer and soothing comfort to provide.

What is your opinion on celebrities/monarchs/politicians that get state funerals?

I don't like questions dealing with death related things, sorry
Liked by: BLAKE

forumers that annoy u and forumers you wish to become closer with?

Forumers that annoy me - you probably know exactly who the fuck you are.
Forumers I wanna become closer to - no one I'm not already talking to tbh. I don't associate with forumers I dislike. :))
Liked by: BLAKE


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