
new acc: pall0r

Ask @glittore

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Off the top of your head, name as many elements from the periodic table as you possibly can?

shIT (not an element) ok uh
Iodine (I think??)
Thallium (*elements song interlude*)
my brain is tired and im trying to play the elements song in my head but my brain noped

What are some thoughts you have on overbreeding dogs/cats? What steps can be taken to prevent this? (if you recieve these questions, it means I follow you & you get my spam questions so if you don't want it, lemme know!♡)

First of all, purebred breeding is literally inbreeding aka intentionally breeding poor lil puppies and kitties with health issues that will never go away??!!
Adopt a shelter animal, there is no excuse not to. Healthy animals can be found in shelters; breeds can be found in shelters. Kittens and puppies can be found in shelters. You might even save a cute pup or kitty from death via euthanasia.

Had you been placed in a fairy tale, based on your personality and skill set, what role do you think you would have? (ex. Queen, Knight, Villain)

Probably villain, or a really bitchy tyrant of a queen.

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even through all the shit you might get today, stay strong and i love you. i care about you so much.

thANK you i am currenyly trying to get through this period without freaking the fuck out bc loudness everywhere i hate people!!!!:)

How jealous are you, on a scale of 0 (not) to 10 (extremely)?

Probably a 10 but I can keep it bottled up pretty well

help! i want to get tattoos when im older and i need some good ideas please<3

Asking a stranger for tattoo concepts isn't the best idea. What I consider a nice tattoo may not be what you like.

Do you want to get the Apple Watch?

I mean
I have an iPhone, iPad and Mac
too many apple products 4 me I am appled out

a few years ago in an acting class at my high school, the teacher showed the movie. at first i was like eh. but i have come to like it

I've been infatuated with it before I saw the musical or movie because I read a version of the book and sang songs from it in theatre class (+ we own the CD soundtrack!) but once I saw the movie I was just mesmerized by all the talent and beauty

im not much of a musical movie fan but phantom of the opera is an exception

i saw it on broadway and i cried and the phantom's actor on broadway was more attractive than the dude who played Raoul nicE

What is one (or multiple) animals that you have seen humans attempt to domesticate but that you don't agree with?

I don't agree with the domestication of pretty much any animal that isn't meant to be a domestic companion, even if they were rescue animals that "bonded" with the people who nursed them back to health (I know of instances like these). They belong in the wild, period.

If your life were a television show, would you have many viewers?

Probably not bc all I do is play League of Legends and yell at people

With technology fast advancing, what do you find most facinating about a creation that has come out of this or just in general?

3D TV, cameras, and touch screens

i'm bored so please send literally anything i'll answer everything ((: if not then hey whoever follows you and sees this should send me questions yay


What is your worst fear and have you taken any steps to overcome said fear? If not, what are some possible steps you'd be willing to take?

going to fucking school everyday
I can't handle it and my mental stability was nonexistent today and I cab't fucjig deal with anyone in my mayh class i need to sqitch it right now

Name 20 cities off the top of your head without cheating?

1. Anaheim
2. Salt Lake City
3. Sacramento
4. Tallahassee
5. Ontario
6. New York City
7. Albany
8. Concord
9. Moline
10. Des Moines
11. Moscow
12. Stockholm
13. Forks
14. Las Vegas
15. Austin
16. Nashville
17. Springfield
18. Boston
19. Anchorage
20. Littleton

Everybody typically has an opinion that is considered unpopular, what is your reasoning for standing behind yours?

Against vaccination
Not because it allegedly cause autism (disproven) - that's ableist(?) and just horrid to favor potentially developing a grave illness over autism.
I understand it is commonly considered selfish not to vaccinate but it wasn't my choice to be exempt from vaccines
I have in fact received all the vaccines babies/young children were required to receive and was only made exempt recently (within the last few years)
Basically I just disagree with how vaccines are administered because they don't *usually* enter your body the way the illness you're being vaccinated for does, they contain foreign substances, they sometimes cause negative reactions that can be severe, and they're tested on animals (I've heard vaccines that can be administered orally have been made though)
My opinion is definitely subject to change because I only know what I know from 2 sources who are reliable but possibly biased as well as they are not traditional doctors (natural healers)
Please don't attack me for my opinion because I understand/respect the arguments of those who are pro-vaccination, and, as I said, my opinion is subject to change as I research.

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How will you celebrate your next birthday?

unless someone else plans the celebration, I wont, and I doubt anyone cares enough to do so, so


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