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What happened in episode 16? (My answer was too long so I have to do this haha)

Since the old homeroom Teacher Kim JoonSeok left, a new teacher came.
As he introduced himself, he said that he was going to take responsibility of the students' grades.
He said, "I don't need good students, and I don't care if you're a trouble maker, but if you bother students who actually do study, I won't leave you alone.".
On the other hand, Kim JoonSeok teacher was teaching at an academy. Learning this, GTK went to his class, and he stayed after to talk with teacher Kim after his lesson ended. They both talked about how they missed each other, and GTK teased the teacher at how his voice was like a lullaby because he slept so well during his lesson.
The next scene was between HYA and his coach. His coach was saying that he wasn't ready to compete, but HYA argued saying that he wanted to compete no matter what. After his training, he sat down in the locker room trying to find a reason to contact LEB. He tried different ways, but he was too nervous to do anything. Then his teammate walked in asking why he was so happy, and distracted HYA. Distracting him made HYA accidentally press the 'Send' button. The message had said "Hey. Come out right now". And he ran out to the academy when LEB replied with "I'm at the academy". Before she walked out, she met GTK, and when they both walked out, HYA met them. Then when he tried to take LEB home, GTK said no, and LEB said that she'd go home alone.
Back at school, the new teacher was being very strict. When he walked into the classroom, he found the troublemaker KwonKiTae sleeping. As he woke him up, he gave KKT 1 punishment point. Then when KKT complained, the teacher said "Stop complaining. 3 punishment points". Then he walked by KSY and asked her why she caused so much trouble for someone who was so smart. He kind of looked at her with an ashamed expression and walked away.
At the GEB+LEB house, the 3 were in the living room talking about future plans. Their mom said that she was planning to start anew by moving, closing her store and transferring the two girls. They both agreed, but GEB mentioned that she found something she actually wanted to study mentioning studying abroad.
At school again; GEB, LSJ, and CSJ were eating lunch when GTK walked by. GEB told GTK to sit, and she started talking. She said she was transferring, and that she was going to move, and even go abroad. CSJ and LSJ, being girls with bright spirits, told GEB to let them meet up with LEB before they moved so that they could say bye; GTK realized that LEB was going to move so he got up and walked away.
After, GTK and LEB met up at a cafe........and he got rejected. She admitted that she didn't see him the same way he saw her.
Back at KSY, she was at home on twitter reading hate comments about her. They were all comments about how they didn't want her to transfer to their school, and they were complaining that they didn't want to be in the same school as her because of all the trouble she has caused.
-----continuing again omg haha

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What happened in episode 16?

In the beginning of the episode, KSY had revealed that LEB was alive.
GEB, being the tough one, dragged KSY out of the classroom and met her outside in the hallway. When she asked for the video, KSY asked if GEB really thought she would hand over the file. Secretly, GEB was recording the conversation. She was able to record the part where KSY admitted that she recorded the video. During this, LEB was in the classroom admitting that she was LEB and that she was sorry. She received a lot of questions like, "So did you trick us that whole time?" and LSJ cleared it up saying the GEB with memory loss was LEB and when her memory returned, it was actually GEB. So everyone was really confused at this point. Back to the argument between GEB and KSY: GEB pulled KSY by the hair and let her listen to the recording; and when KSY heard it, she tried to take it away, but GEB was strong and told KSY firmly that it doesn't matter if she gets rid of the recording because "as long as I remember it, the only way for you to live is to disappear from my eyes or stay quiet."
Then, LEB and HYA walked outside and started talking about what happened. LEB said it doesn't feel satisfying after saying sorry, and she felt like she said sorry just to make herself feel better.
After, GEB met with her friends, and they asked her who she was. She said she was GEB, and the two expressed their disappointment by saying that she should have been honest with them. But they, being the best friends, asked if she was okay now rather than complaining, and GEB, of course, nodded with a yes. Then, their conversation ended with the girls saying that they should hang out as the 4 of them together.
After, KSY walked into class, and heard the two "gangsters" talking about her. They weren't saying good things, but when they stopped after seeing KSY, she just replied with a "continue". When KSY realized that CSJ was at the door, she just said that she was relieved that the truth was revealed now. But, CSJ asked KSY if she knew why everybody was still on GEB + LEB's side and not KSYs. She asked her this because KSY had used CSJ to get to LEB when she was acting as GEB. After calling her out, she sat down.
In the teachers room, GEB+LEB's mom and KSY's mom was having an argument with a teacher and Principal. EBs' mom asked how a student could have threatened a classmate like that but KSY's mom retorted by saying that the video isn't in any of her devices, and that it was a joke that was unnecessarily taken seriously. But the teacher said that the word "joke" shouldn't be mentioned here because a student was actually affected and someone could have gotten seriously hurt. Then the principal stepped in saying that KSY needed to be punished. KSY's mom then fought back asking why GEB wasn't punished as she mentioned how LEB and GEB switched positions in school and tricked everybody around them. So KSY and GEB were both under punishment.
-------------I'll continue

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please can you translate the part when ksy apologized to eunbi? thank you in advance

I don't remember the exact lines, but she said that she didn't have a video because she deleted it when GEB ruined her phone.
Basically she admitted that she regretted what she has done, and that she was sorry.
She said she wasn't apologizing, but what she said in advance was like an apology.
I'm sorry!! I was so excited that I don't remember the exact lines to translate word for word!!

A few years later, Eun-Byul came back. She recently bought a apartment. As she came back from shopping, she noticed that her neighbor's door was opened. Curiously, she went and rang the doorbell. "What?" A voice replied. To her surprise, a familiar yet annoying looking face appeared in front of her.


what is a open ending??

It's when the drama ends with no real results, and the author finished with the mindset of, "the audience can imagine what happens next now"

what is the meaning of open ending ? whether there will be a season 2 ? I am not sure

It's when the drama ends with no real results, and the author finished with the mindset of, "the audience can imagine what happens next now"
The whole "SCHOOL" drama is a series. Like there was School 2013? There were more dramas like that, so I would say that there will be another drama like this :)

Whats open ending

It's when the drama ends with no real results, and the author finished with the mindset of, "the audience can imagine what happens next now"

how's korean school life in reality? im curious tbh. ty for answering ye eun ah..(:

Well I transferred to an international school, but a Korean school is pretty much like what you saw in the drama haha

did u think the ending is open ending? eunbi didn't choose yian?

Eunbi chose YiAn because she gave him back the medal.
They made a "promise" that she needed to give back the medal if she was sure of his feelings towards him.

gongbyul really thanks soooooooo much for subbing<3 YIBI forever hahahaha if it werent your subs i wouldnt be able to enjoy this drama right on the spot every week:) thanks so much and you can finally rest haha hope to see you again soon in other live streamings:D

haha Hope to see you guys too :)
It was really fun to be with you guys & I'm glad I was able to make you feel happy!!

hi!!!thank you for translating the last ep of school 2015

You're welcome!! I don't know if I did well today with all the excitement though haha


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