

Ask @haayitsbeth

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Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back Moriarty is back
I CAnt even cope
just Oh!
I can't wait

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What have been the highlights of 2013 ?

joining cadets, I've actually made so many great people, and they inspire me, they are amazing people and I'm glad to have met them all.
Jack was literally my world in 2013, he is one of the funniest people I have met, he's also ginger, which definitely makes him more likeable, and yes I loved him so much. but I'm not a stalker ex, and Im not trying to get him back, he's happy, I'm happy so its all good:')
although, it is off topic, but I love his girlfriend Caroline's hair, I'm jealous of that omg
2013 has actually been a great year, I'm closer to all my friends like I've not been as happy as this for ages, so 2014 hopefully will be good, and I'll stay happy :D
yayayay no one will read this but whatever
Liked by: Caroline Ramsay

Which movies or books have made a big impact on you?

harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter harry potter

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Liked by: David O'Neill

Do you have any strange phobias?

I have so many
like birds,spiders,snakes,insects,small spaces,horses,cows,llamas,sloths,rats,mice,lizards,chinchillas,fish,hamsters,chickens,wasps,bees,daddy long legs,moths,being locked in places

Opinions on me? :')

go away I hate you.
only joking! you're amazing and I love you!
you always know how to cheer me up and you know like everything about me, I'm always going to be here for you as you already know! just like you're always here when I need you!
you are lovely and funny, we get on really well and we're both dumb hehe;)
we've been best friends since year seven when we were in art and we had a conversation about being left handed!
we've had so many memories like going to rizzle kicks and the pick 'n' mix we always have!! we have our fish names on the table in science and someone wrote back to us 'wtf' hahaha but yeah!
I'm nemo and you're dory!
Annie and icca forever ;D
I could go on about everything but you already know how amazing you are so you don't need me to tell you!
have fun reading this I have pins and needles in my foot and it hurts but oh well:')
I'm always here mwhahahaha!
I was gonna post the 'Annie&icca' paper but it won't work :(

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opinions on CPL Badger?

I think hes lovely!
he is always there for everyone and hes a genuine guy, hes funny as fuck and is easy to be around, hes got a beautiful girlfriend called Caroline and I think theyre adorable! :'D
ps. I love his hair, js! (:
Liked by: Jack Badger

does it bother you that he has a girlfriend?

no, his girlfriend is beautiful and she makes him happy, so how can I fault her, it bothers me that we gave up so easily, but its sort of good because he seems so happy and theyre really cute together and I know we wont ever get back together so hes welcome to anyone he wants hehe, whoever he decides to go out with in the future or whatever better realise what they have before its too late (:

Who is the happiest person you know?

tbh Emmie Johnson seems like the happiest person I know, she is always smiling haha

What is your most played song at the moment?

I always play 'Mary Bum' more than any other song, its my song, so yeah, everyone plays it to me and I play it a lot.


Language: English