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Latest answers from hamato

Just my humble opinion, IMO if you play no mod u can rank up like crazy >_< Is there any reason why u hate no mod?

the amount of choke in my no mod plays was like an endless loop, literally every time, when i nailed the hard part, sooner later miss on the easy part (shitmiss), especially when the map almost end.
and best thing is i didn't know starting from windows 8 you cannot solve the input lag problem other than playing in fullscreen. My laptop come with windows 8 and now i have windows 10 which is basically still the same since microsoft forced vsync on your cursor since from windows 8.
i have been playing with input lag all this time without knowing until last month i accidentally changed to fullscreen and realized that my cursor move a lot faster, like almost instantly, especially when playing AR 10-10.3 with high bpm which can be easily noticed. Which leads to the fact that i can now play HR much better than when i was playing in windowed/borderless mode.
there are few things i'm doing now
>getting used to play in fullscreen
>improve aim <---- been doing this shit for years
>try to change my mouse griping style so that i dont need to reposition my hand like every 20-30 seconds
when everything is stable, i probably be able to play better
p.s. i dont hate no mod , no mod hates me

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what do u think is the ratio of ranked to unranked maps u play? For eg 50%:50%

just recently i started to enjoy playing HR, so i play more ranked map for now
there is a lot hella fun unranked map, where my aim improved by a lot with those distanced jumps, stream and stuff from some unranked map so yeah :v

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