

Ask @hamza786xx

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lol not to rant and that but u should try to get even haircuts its sunnah, what the prophet Muhammad did just saying bro

I dont want evan hair cutz tho

plus you have to get the right Quran recitator for yourself i advice Khalid al jaleel he is amazing but it depends if you like his voice


thats not a big issue because gradually it will stop try listening to Quran kasmeh it acc helps

Achaa still hard

oh i meant like u know in ur year the wild crowd juss stay away from them

Okay nd one things I can't stop listening to my asian song

but you know Akhi you should avoid hanging with the crowd that smoke im not being rude or anything i acc like giving u advice cause u dont give me hate

None of my mates smoke tho

lol manz be like ur a pussy if u walk away they're gonna screw up there life coz every fight and shit that every1 does gets filed and goes to ur college

Thats true Mashallah

Akhi you can watch my words Truth belief in Islam will get you everywhere in life trust me because it's Allah that writes your destiny and if you put your effort in and ask Allah to help you it will work

Inshallah tho mashallah

When people swear or start never swear back just walk away dats bein da bigger man i'd only fight for self defence no arranged

Thaankz awh

sets dont matter trust people in set 4 and 5 get A and even A* u just gotta be devoted and be hard working and it'll pay off

Ygm true sooo true

lol its so random how its turned from random questions to power rangers :L

Ygm it is tho still power rangers mega force


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