
Hana Livealomi

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Latest answers from Hana Livealomi

20 facts ?

alemtan’s Profile PhotoSheren Tan
1. Satu sd sm gue
2. My kk kelas
3. "Jamur" HAHAHAH
4. dulu tinggal di metro permata tersayank
5. Sekarang di Taiwan
6. Sekarang cantik (lho berarti dulu g dong (?) Wkwkw)
7. Dog lovers
8. Bawel
9.deket sm anak2 cowk di sd
10. Anak pintar amin
11. Pelupa
12. Ceroboh
13. Punya facebook #bodo han
14. Punya instagram yg isinya banyaaaaaaaakkk sekaliiii foto. Ratusan. cie yg abis dr amrik hehe
15. Wah 5 lagi
16 . Hmmm apa ya
17 . Gambarnya bagusss
18. Pengen jadi desainer hebat kan gue masih inget
19. Dulu gue sempet sedih pas dia mau pindah kyknya. (Kayaknya <-- jahat y)
20. Mungkin ini semua hanya mitos bukan fakta #kurang ajar :v

What's more valuable, brains or beauty?

Brainzz has beauty on it.
Intelligence are sexy.
Boys/girls love them both.
So if you have a brain with lots of useful knowledge on it, people will automatically thinks you're attractive. (Tp jgn yg freak juga yha)
Boys love smart girls and so is the opposite.
*ignore this absurd opinion*

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