
Hanis Maulia Rahmatika

Ask @hanismaulia

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Would you rather face Conor McGregor in the octagon or listen to somebody scratching a plate with a fork for 2 hours straight?

face Conor McGregor ftw. i can’t stand to listen dat scratching sound ewhhh

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How do you get rid of stress and negative energy?

I embrace it. I always tell my self that it’s okay to feel stressed once in a while. As for the negative energy i always distant myself from other people for some times, so that the negativities won’t spread out and turn it into something positive. Go to the gym, or read some books that contain what I need atm.
Liked by: Eaty Soka Adzahara

Matematika atau bahasa inggris? Kenapa? Alesan nya?

Bahasa Inggris. IMHO, linguistics play the big role to achieve what so called ‘success’.

Apakah ada hal yang semakin kamu beranjak dewasa semakin kamu kurang pedulikan? Hal apa itu?

Omongan orang.


Language: English