

Ask @hannahhill14

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why so hot?

Yeah I don't know, it was a bit hot today.. but it was nice, I spent the day with mum and we walked the point :-)

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they're* fuck, shows i don't pay attention in english hahaha oops, and yes ffs and we are going to have to write a billion essays aswell ughhhhhh i hate that stupid movie "the lighting in the background symbolises change" wtf no it's a bloody sunny day ok

Sophie? And I actual hate it so much! hahahahahahahahahaha the lecture me you and George got the other day! :D

Thoughts aand like about meh

Paddrick1998’s Profile PhotoPaddrick Davison
You're a top guy!
I only met you a few weeks ago but your rather cool!
The semi formal was great fun with you there and you're so funny!
our conversation the other day was great, nomnomnom food!
We should all hang out one-day, us, Jordayn, hazel, James and anyone else who wants to come.
you're so nice!
Liked by: Paddrick Davison

fucking freedom writers and her god damn pearls, their pearls not a symbol of her being rebellious wtffffff

I actual hate that movie so God damn much ! and that stupid character analysis sheet ! Those mofo pearls aswell. I'm sorry I just can't stand that movie anymore


Language: English