

Ask @hannahwalton54

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How come i can find you on fb anymore? When i type in your name you are'nt there?

My mum and dad don't like facebook, so they told me not to get it but i got it anyway, then she found out from one of her friends who showed her everything and i've been grounded for two weeks, and had my phone and facebook taken away
Liked by: Wilmar

whut ah gwan mada fukerz. miy felow muderz. i wud lik 2 say. THIZ IZ NAT RENOE. minah wurms waz rly rud ande sed ite waz renoe. i wud 1nd lik 2 saiy tht i luv dikes in blendursz.mor dan anehthing. i alszo wunt 2 saiy tht my profile iz baus and beter thun eryone elsez. shoutout to @alliewilliams345

yu mudda
Urm what

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Hello :) what's this about something being up? What's wrong? :( x

Aw loads of people have asked me, I feel loved:')
Its fine now but thanks:) x


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