

Ask @Hanniechristine

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Fine...but I'm still gonna glitterfy the crap out of Jeff....But you should take a video of that ;D



Not jeff.. I'm still intimidated by him. Either Jordan Austin Aravind ?

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What advice would you give to children today?

Be true to yourself and don't let someone tell you that you can't do something

Omgiod hannah I love you its nareh. Thanks lily yeah that girl had some serious problems. Nut hannah I'm proud of u for sticking up for her. Shes a stupid bitch cse every time she talks shit about us or watever its online. She never says it to our faces like a real person. <3

I love you too, Nareh!!(:

You are very welcome! You don't deserve anything she was doing or anything she was saying about you!

I Believe that. I won't let it affect me

The girl also told me about that twitter controversy and I can tell you, you have great friends because nareh was backing you up and was yelling at her for her to say sorry to you but that girl wouldn't.

Oh I know:) Nareh absolutely an amazing friend too. And I would do the same for her, stick up for her too. The twitter controversy was utterly stupid

I don't know you very well, but I think I know the person that was saying all that stuff cause someone in my pe didn't like you ad would alway talk about you and nareh. And it was pretty annoying. Don't listen to her because you are gorgeous and seem really sweet and nice.

What she says about me or to me doesn't affect me in any way. I don't understand why she wants to try so hard to destroy my life. Haha I know exactly who you are talking about because that's exactly who I think it is:) thank you so much for the compliment, it means a lot to me:) and you are too!!:)

The drama with you kind of goes around. Your drama is pointless shit. You are a little girl that doesn't know what to do in life! I was there when Justin broke up with you! So you are the bitch!

Oh my god I know exactly who you are. Why do you care so much about me an my past, even though you hate me? Or are you so in love with me that you have to stalk my life?

Justin only felt sorry for you! I have more friends than you. I have less drama than you! Trust me I've heard of all your drama this yeAr Oh wow you love your boyfriend of 2 months! True love right there I bet you told Justin you love him the first week. You are just a little girl that no-one likes

Okay, listen you little bitch. Whoever you are, stop hiding behind a fucking computer screen. I believe i am very well liked because I'm not the one hiding and starting shit with random people. Are you lying to yourself to make you feel better? You obviously want drama, you little attention-seeking whore. Get a fucking life. Whether he liked me or not, it doesn't matter because Justin and I are FRIENDS now. Do you understand what that word means, or are do you need me to explain it to you, because you have none? You probably have more fake friends than me. Fake means "not real". Get a life.

Someone has anger management and still has feelings for him! I see you being that crazy stalker ex-gf. Wait you are.

Oh sweetheart, I don't have an anger problem. You, my dear, are just a psychotic bitch who probably has no friends and all that you do with your life is start pointless drama wit other people. I have a boyfriend, who I love, for your information. Why would I waste my time being a psycho ex-gf.? Get your facts straight.

I heard he loved someone else and you got annoying?? Well I can say him and Sam are way cuter than you two were

Come off anon and say that again to my face, you fucking pussy. (:

What happened between you and Justin H.? V

That's no one else's business but ours
He's one of my really good friends now(:

If you could read all the honors English books without gettin bored or burn all possible copies of how to read lit/Sophie's world, how many s'mores would you make over the fire?

More than Harry's 4 nipples x100000

How would you describe how to read literature like a professor

Think of the movie "the devil inside"
How about we raise a fun to my head, to describe it.
As horrible as thinking that The Wanted could replace One Direction as the biggest boy band in the world.
As deadly as period cramps.
Probably as bad as hitler.
As bad as Obamacare.
Worse than the people I hate

What came first the chicken or the egg or the FABULOUS

Obviously the fabulous because the fabulous is me and well... You know the rest


Language: English