
hasan makki

Ask @hasanmakki

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Im sorry for judging you bc your tweets are funny and you seem nice but Idk leh hek hasset

iza my tweets are funny and I'm nice, then sert 2eben shere3?:P
Liked by: elise farah

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Ouu somebody's jealoussss, may I recommend visiting a doctor, he'll heal your jealousy and who knows he might even have something to fix your spine so that you untick the next time you hate anonymously :') die anonnn

Hahaha I love you fatima<3

thoughts on Palestinians?

Okay here I have a contradicting thought, I'm 100% with the freedom of Palestine, with the Palestinian case, with the return of palestenians to their countty, but some of them are showing a bad image of palestenians, making fights with the people that hosted them, allowing terrorist that were responsible for many deaths and explosions that ocvurex in in lebananon, betraying the people that helped them..but again am with them...we're all brothers
Liked by: C

If you were given a time machine to travel backwards in time, what are the three mistakes that you would want to rectify?

Sleeping while having classes...
Being an asshole with my ex...
Create facebook before fuckin mark zuckberg

Min sheyef men ltweeps

Rita rawda, tamara rizk, nour habli, omar tamo, ihab kraidly, foad choeiri, the poet, charbel21, valentina khalil, sara zoeuin, razan w petra halawi, lana matta, rana l haj, karen chamas, ghiwa haidar..ba3ed fi ktir, w ba3ed fi kamen ba3refon min abel l twitter bila72olon she 200 tweep

wala l ask.fm bisalle aktar mn twitter:p betfut btetmnyak 3al 3alam anymously

hay badna nekhtelef fiha:p bisale 2e, bas mesh aktar min twitter, w lamma tsir l 2ossa manyake w bahdale lal 3alam, hayda bisir lawtane...
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