
Hazel Sibley

Ask @hazelskyee

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If you feel stressed what would you do to reduce it?

I light some candels listen to music, and if Im stressed about school I just think about how my health is much more important, and I think of my achivements so far.

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

25 , still age of youth but not too immaturee!

Melina m :-)

melinamorisath’s Profile PhotoMelina Morisath
Shes really pretty and super nice. We were really close in 7th grade and I have a letter from her saying "im going to miss you so much your like the person i tell everything too" that shr gave me before winter brake. I miss heeer!
Liked by: Melina Morisath

Why are you in BCA? Not to be offensive or anything..I'm just curious

Because I want to be an BioMaterial engineer specifying in stemcell recerch and artificial organs. It really helps being in BioMedical because it looks great on your transcript expecialy HOSA.


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