
Heidi Marquez

Ask @heidayy

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Yeah it makes you look bad cause thats not your boyfriend why you be looking at their pics in the first place . Gosh i guess that shows what a friend you r...

you must be those over the top jelouse girls that get jelouse when their friends like your bf's pictures huh? :p
well none of my bestfriends are like that so chill :)

I dont care thats how you feel but what bout ur friends they might not like that you like their bf pics like unm can you back off hes MINE.

well if you're referring to ig i like everyones picture on my newsfeed , but ok just tell me his name & i'll block him so you can just stop w/ this :)

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I'm not trying to make you look bad at all just telling you how it feels when you added my own boyfriend. & im sure some of your friends felt the same way they just dont want to tell you... At school you seem like you are around guys and your in the 9th grade focus on your education

who's your boyfriend?
& ok whatever suits your boat :)

Example? You just admitted you add your friends bf on social networks? Why? So you can let them see your pics and what not? Really respect your friends dont be doing that.

cause the send me a friend request & i know them obviously i would accept their friend request. & seriously this is just stupid

Lol well you said you dont talk to them so hopefully your being honest. Just dont do that really im sure u wouldnt like it if you see your friends liking your bf pics & adding him as their friend. Just really stop that and talk with your friends about it first. In stead of doig that behind their bak

wow just likeing a picture of them makes me look bad? actually i won't mind of they liked my boyfriends pictures cause that doesn't mean anything? (x unless the comment ' cute ' or something which i don't do :)

No im not , im jst saying why do you add your friends boufriends on social networks then? Im not making you look bad you already have been looking bad since you do that

just cause i add them doesn't mean i have anything to do with them girl & hahahahahah YOU are trying to make me look bad since you can't give me an example of anything!

I dont care if you talk to them why do you add them or try to ?

wow so now you don't care if i talk to them? cx what happened to me showing respect lol that's why you're here right? xD but why can't you admit who you're refering too? obviously all you're doing is trying to make me look bad :p

Like i said dont be adding your friends bf on fb show respect.

lmfao i don't even talk to them on social networks but okkkkkkkkkkkk bossy :)

Do you & chris still talk? Do you have feelings for hin still? You guys were a cute couple :,(

i only talk to him at 15 practice since he's my partner , but no i don't have feelings for him & awh thanks :)

Good Night Pretty Lady<3 God Bless<3 I'm new to this haha but anyways love you & miss you / damaris we need to hang out pronto :)

goodnight <3
& alright :)

Says the one whos fruends with all her friends boyfriends :) on fb & what not . Show some respect. Dont be adding your friends bf to anything . What friend you are .

lmao you're just asuming i flirt w/ them thru facebook & stuff huh?(x well i hardly ever get on facebook & i'm not but seriously who are you referring too since you think you're so right about everything you're saying :D

Nevermind just forget it you wont admit it anyways ._.

cause you don't have an example lol but obviously i won't admit something that isn't true :)

Yeah a bunch of people told me you try to get to their boyfriends just stop your a little 9th grader >.<

why can't you just mention a name of these mysterious guys i ' flirt ' with huhhhhh? x)

Yeah & you try to flirt and get your friends boyfriends attention just back off!

Name one freaken guy i flirt w/ that my bestfriend is dating stupid anon :)


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